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    thoracic-radiotherapy - 3 year(s) ago

    ​Dosing of Thoracic Radiotherapy in Limited Stage Small Cell Lung CancerBy Sarah LaCorte​Although small cell lung cancer (SCLC) constitutes 13 percent of all lung cancer diagnoses, there has been little progress in the treatment of SCLC in the past 2 decades. Currently, the majority of patients with limited stage SCLC (LSCLC) are treated with a high dose once-daily…

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    • A Phase III trial analyzed if administering high-dose TRT would improve overall survival, compared with standard 45 Gy standard twice-daily TRT, in #LSCLC patients treated with #chemoradiotherapy: https://t.co/zdPlzHPTsA #NSCLC #LungCancer #OncNews #MedicalNews #ASCORewind https://t.co/lhf9qEE9TV