• Mashup Score: 2

    America once treated health care as a fundamental human right but now it’s increasingly a bottom-line commodity.

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    • Vital drug shortages don’t harm just individ patients; they cause harm to every person in that patient’s circle. They require huge additional expenditures of money & time w/in the health care system—& put added stress on patients & caregivers. My latest👇 https://t.co/IxZnSLatyL

  • Mashup Score: 8

    Malpractice litigation is a thorny topic to discuss openly. Even among doctors, it carries an air of shame and secrecy.

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    • “[Healthcare workers] are burned out, we cannot help everyone who needs our help. People are dying that would not be dying, if we only had the time and resources to do our jobs as we were trained to.” Excellent piece by @GitaPensaMD👇 https://t.co/55QZKL0gz8