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    AbstractObjectives. We aimed to comprehensively analyze the available literature to identify the unmet requirements in transitional programs tailored specifical

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    • @ArthritisDay Nihal Åžahin et al. identify the unmet requirements in transitional programs tailored specifically for patients diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis #JIA 👉Lack of best practice guidelines challenges effective transition. 👉https://t.co/pNAg1FduuW https://t.co/9QXvJcafek

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    • Help @ArthritisFdn and @carrainc better understand unmet needs and knowledge gaps in #JIA! Take this survey by June 9 if you are 18+ with JIA or are a caretaker of someone with JIA. Participation is voluntary and no personal information will be collected. https://t.co/x3KvWkAWso https://t.co/Q6GdouUhhY