Mashup Score: 0EULAR: Start inflammatory arthritis therapies ‘without delay’ after cancer remission - 10 hour(s) ago
Targeted therapies for active inflammatory arthritis should be started “without delay” for patients with cancer in remission, according to new EULAR points to consider published in Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. “In clinical practice, the potential association between targeted antirheumatic therapies and the recurrence of a past cancer in patients with [inflammatory
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Mashup Score: 1
Over the past decade, I have been fortunate to have a platform on which to reflect about the varying dimensions of empathy as it applies to medical practice, and in particular its relevancy to the field of rheumatology.My apologies for the repeated visits to this topic, but I am passionate about the subject.
Source: www.healio.comCategories: General Medicine News, RheumatologyTweet
Mashup Score: 0‘A potent medicine’: In matters of pain and trust, empathy may make all the difference - 14 hour(s) ago
Physician empathy has long been recommended — but not required — in the doctor-patient relationship.However, for a growing number of rheumatology researchers and providers, a healthy dose of empathy has become not just an essential aspect of one’s bedside manner, but also key to improving outcomes like pain and fatigue, and maximizing the impact of pharmacotherapeutic and
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Mashup Score: 1Healio Rheumatology | Current Issue - Healio - 16 hour(s) ago
Read articles that appeared in the print edition of Healio Rheumatology. Healio is your trusted source for rheumatology news.
Source: www.healio.comCategories: General Medicine News, RheumatologyTweet
Mashup Score: 0Anticipated vagus nerve stimulation approval may fill ‘demand’ in rheumatoid arthritis - 5 day(s) ago
When researchers at ACR Convergence 2024 presented positive data from the RESET RA study regarding vagus nerve stimulation in rheumatoid arthritis, it represented the latest milestone on a long and unpredictable journey for the treatment. It’s a journal that, according to those researchers and other experts, will likely end in FDA approval for RA, possibly as early as this year.
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Mashup Score: 1
Frailty among patients with systemic sclerosis significantly increases the risk for mortality by nearly 10-fold, but shows the potential to improve over time, according to data published in Clinical Rheumatology. “There has been a growing burden of evidence recently in the wider literature about the importance of frailty as a determinant of outcome in chronic disease,” Jessica L.
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Mashup Score: 5Duloxetine, milnacipran and pregabalin improve fibromyalgia pain for one in 10 patients - 6 day(s) ago
Duloxetine, milnacipran and pregabalin can yield significant pain relief over at least 12 weeks for approximately one out of 10 adults with fibromyalgia, according to an analysis of Cochrane reviews published in Rheumatology. “Pharmacological interventions are recommended as part of a multidisciplinary approach combined with physical and/or cognitive interventions for severe forms of
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Mashup Score: 0Acetaminophen increases risk for hypertension, GI bleeding in patients 65 years and older - 6 day(s) ago
Patients aged 65 years and older who use acetaminophen demonstrate greater risks for serious complications, including hypertension, chronic kidney disease and gastrointestinal bleeding, noted a study published in Arthritis Care & Research. “Almost all clinical guidelines advocate acetaminophen as the first-line oral pharmacological treatment for pain due to osteoarthritis, mainly
Source: www.healio.comCategories: General Medicine News, RheumatologyTweet
Mashup Score: 1Colchicine curbs cardiovascular event risk when used with urate-lowering therapy for gout - 7 day(s) ago
Colchicine for gout flare prophylaxis reduces the risk for cardiovascular events among patients initiating urate-lowering therapy, according to data published in The Lancet Rheumatology. “Cardiovascular events have been previously reported to be temporally associated with recent previous gout flares (ie, those within the previous 60 days),” Edoardo Cipolletta, MD, an international
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Mashup Score: 1Direct switch from TNFi to tofacitinib shows ‘acceptable’ safety in psoriatic arthritis - 8 day(s) ago
For patients with psoriatic arthritis, switching directly from adalimumab to tofacitinib with no washout period presents no increased safety risks, according to data published in Arthritis Research & Therapy. “There are no available data from randomized controlled trials in PsA assessing clinical outcomes in patients who have directly switched from [TNF inhibitors] to tofacitinib, and
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🆕 from @eular_org: Targeted therapies for active inflammatory #arthritis should be started “without delay” for patients with cancer in remission 🕙 https://t.co/nuXQWv0cB2