• Mashup Score: 3

    New research published in the Journal of Internal Medicine demonstrates that optogenetics—which uses light-sensitive proteins to control the activity of targeted cells—is a promising shock-free approach to treating atrial fibrillation (AF), or an irregular, often rapid heart rate, for immediate restoration of regular rhythm.

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    • Can light therapy treat atrial fibrillation? Find out more in @medical_xpress, featuring research by Emile C.A. Nyns & team published #OpenAccess in @JInternMed. #optogenetics #AtrialFibrillation #CardioTwitter https://t.co/bZcIM0CmQn

  • Mashup Score: 0

    New data suggest a significantly stronger link in women compared with men between atrial fibrillation and mild cognitive impairment and dementia.

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    • New data suggest a significantly stronger link in women compared with men between #atrialfibrillation and mild cognitive impairment and #dementia. https://t.co/HTRiIbHLsQ https://t.co/rbkoR0EG2p

  • Mashup Score: 5
    pendingpublications - 11 month(s) ago

    Pending Publication

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    • Long-term risk of atrial fibrillation or flutter after transcatheter patent foramen ovale closure: a nationwide Danish study. Read more in EHJ! https://t.co/YMbevN5udZ #atrialfibrillation #flutter #PFO #EHJ #cardiotwitter @ESC_Journals @escardio https://t.co/AppWyGWO3w

  • Mashup Score: 2

    Background and Objectives: Ischemic stroke despite direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) is increasingly common and portends high risk of subsequent ischemic stroke. Efficacy and safety of antithrombotic regimens following the condition are unclear. We aimed to compare the outcomes of patients with ischemic stroke despite DOAC with and without an alternative antithrombotic regimen, and determine the…

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    • Via @GreenJournal: Continuing use of direct oral anticoagulants in patients with non-valvular #AtrialFibrillation after an ischemic #stroke more effectively prevents another stroke than switching to a related drug or #warfarin: https://t.co/bQChQ6rbWu #neurotwitter @AANMember https://t.co/Nigvv1Q5uL