• Mashup Score: 2

    The WFP USA’s Dangerously Hungry report explores the complex relationship between food insecurity and instability, confirming that conflict drives hunger, but also that hunger drives conflict. The report’s lead authors summarize its findings.

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    • “But it is also true that hunger and food insecurity can lead to instability. There is a vicious feedback loop between conflict and hunger currently at play in dozens of countries around the world. War drives hunger and hunger drives war.” https://t.co/9bkeu41Tpx

  • Mashup Score: 0

    Putin’s suspension of New START furthers the demise of arms control, eliminating one of the few remaining forums for dialogue between Moscow and Washington at a time of rising nuclear risk. Furthermore, it signals Russia’s increasing reliance on nuclear weapons.

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    • I cannot believe in 2023 we are taking again about entering an era of a nuclear arms race. https://t.co/AvxnQ5ROBN

  • Mashup Score: 3

    Policymakers must take a bipartisan approach to evaluate and reduce the impact of pandemics on society, harvest local learnings from Covid-19, and empower individuals, communities, and states to transcend partisan divides and improve the response to future health threats.

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    • CSIS has had a role to play in strengthening the HIV response in the US; here are suggestions for COVID. Polarization may harden into irreconcilable differences if independent agencies not willing to see what worked & didn't across blue, purple, red states https://t.co/CZwV9w7SYD