Mashup Score: 46
The prevalence of calcification in obstructive coronary artery disease is on the rise. Percutaneous coronary intervention of these calcified lesions is associated with increased short-term and long-term risks. To optimize percutaneous coronary intervention results, there is an expanding array of treatment modalities geared toward calcium modification prior to stent implantation. The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, herein, puts forth an expert consensus document regarding methods to identify types of calcified coronary lesions, a central algorithm to help guide use of the various calcium modification strategies, tips for when using each treatment modality, and a look at future studies and trials for treating this challenging lesion subset.
Source: www.jscai.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
Mashup Score: 14The Uromigos Episode 383: A Neoantigen Vaccine Generates Anti-Tumor Immunity in RCC | GU Oncology Now - 6 hour(s) ago
David Braun, MD, PhD joins The Uromigos to discuss his Nature paper on a personalized RCC vaccine that demonstrated antitumor immunity and delayed recurrence.
Source: guoncologynow.comCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet-
⭐ In episode 383, we're joined by @BraunMDPhD of @YaleMed to discuss his recent paper on a personalized RCC vaccine that has demonstrated antitumor immunity and delayed recurrence. 🔵 Listen on GU Oncology Now: https://t.co/dDVNKBMOtH 🟢 Listen on Spotify:… https://t.co/GophImGjdI https://t.co/72Q2r3FAbb
Mashup Score: 63Oncology Brothers AIO at ASCO GU 2025 - 7 hour(s) ago
Get tickets online for Oncology Brothers AIO at ASCO GU 2025 here.
Source: oncologybrothers.regfox.comCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
Mashup Score: 25New Frontiers in Antegrade Wiring From the Asia Pacific Chronic Total Occlusion Club: - 7 hour(s) ago
AbstractAntegrade wiring (AW) is the prevailing chronic total occlusion (CTO) crossing technique. For proximal cap ambiguity, the Global CTO consensus group uses the “anatomy dictates strategy” met…
Source: www.jacc.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
Mashup Score: 0
The European Medicines Agency Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use has recommended that durvalumab (Imfinzi, AstraZeneca) receive approval in the European Union.
Source: docwirenews.comCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
Mashup Score: 1Study Finds Link Between Empowerment, Medication Adherence in Patients With Breast Cancer | Cancer Nursing Today - 8 hour(s) ago
Providers should employ counseling services, support groups, and educational programs that provide community and mental health resources for patients with breast cancer.
Source: cancernursingtoday.comCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
Mashup Score: 5The CardioNerds, Dr. Kevin Alexander on the Impact of CV Hospitalizations in ATTR Cardiomyopathy | Docwire News - 8 hour(s) ago
Dr. Georgia Vasilakis Tsatiris of The CardioNerds speaks to Dr. Kevin Alexander about the impact of ATTR-CM.
Source: www.docwirenews.comCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
Mashup Score: 5JACC | Priorities for Evidence Generation - 9 hour(s) ago
In clinical practice, we frequently encounter critical questions for which we lack solid evidence. Whether on rounds or in the clinic, we often make decisions under uncertainty, wondering, “Why don’t we have data that answers this question?” To bridge these gaps, we at JACC are partnering with the FDA to surface these key questions. We want to hear directly from you: What pressing questions do you face regarding the use of FDA-regulated products—drugs, biologics, devices, food, and tobacco—that impact
Source: www.jacc.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet-
#JACC & @US_FDA are collaborating to identify questions and barriers clinicians face with #FDA-related products affecting CV health. Your input will guide resource development to address these gaps. Submit comments here 👉 https://t.co/zNozOkpYJI @haiderwarraich @hmkyale… https://t.co/w1LuIAN0TM https://t.co/L1F2MmuskC
Mashup Score: 1
Highlights •Genetic fate mapping has confirmed the existence of the TIMD4hiMHCIIhi macrophage subset, demonstrating that they were resident macrophages with minimal contribution from peripheral mon…
Source: www.jacc.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
Mashup Score: 1
On behalf of the proposed American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine (ABCVM) and our Board of Directors, I wanted to provide an update on the status of our application for a new cardiovascular board. As of today, we are still awaiting a final decision from the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) regarding our proposal. We remain steadfast in our belief that we have met all the necessary requirements for an independent board and continue to advocate for a certification process that reflects the
Source: cvboard.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
#CaCoronaryLesionAlgorithm Love the @MyJSCAI consensus doc! https://t.co/28bHoo5fu0 My slightly modified #CalciumAlgorithm is the following What's yours? @adityadoc1 @cardiowiis @AntoniousAttall @AGoldsweig @EricSecemskyMD @Babar_Basir @RajTayalMD @agtruesdell @DrAnkushG… https://t.co/uLbIH1kKyw https://t.co/HufiC4LjoH