Chronobiological Spatial Clusters of Cortical Regions in… : Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology
drug-resistant epilepsy. To ensure generalizability of our findings beyond patients with drug-resistant epilepsy, we excluded stereotactic electroencephalography electrode contacts lying within seizure-onset zones, epileptogenic lesions, having frequent epileptiform activity, and excessive artifact. For each patient, we evaluated twenty-four 5-minute stereotactic electroencephalography epochs, sampled hourly throughout the day, and obtained the HFO rate (number of HFOs/minute) in every stereotactic electroencephalography channel. We analyzed diurnal rhythms of the HFO rates with the cosinor model and clustered neuroanatomic parcels in a standard brain space based on similarity of their cosinor parameters. Finally, we compared overlap among resting-state networks, described in the neuroimaging literature, and chronobiological spatial clusters discovered by us. Results: We found five clusters that localized predominantly or exclusively to the left perisylvian, left perirolandic and left