Mashup Score: 0Validation of a Model for Targeted EEG Monitoring Duration... : Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology - 2 day(s) ago
in critically ill children. Methods: This was a prospective observational study of 1,399 consecutive critically ill children with encephalopathy. We validated the findings of a multistate survival model generated in a published cohort (N = 719) in a new validation cohort (N = 680). The model aimed to determine the CEEG duration at which there was <15%, <10%, <5%, or <2% risk of experiencing ES if CEEG were continued longer. The model included baseline clinical risk factors and emergent EEG risk factors. Results: A model aiming to determine the CEEG duration at which a patient had <10% risk of ES if CEEG were continued longer showed similar performance in the generation and validation cohorts. Patients without emergent EEG risk factors would undergo 7 hours of CEEG in both cohorts, whereas patients with emergent EEG risk factors would undergo 44 and 36 hours of CEEG in the generation and validation cohorts, respectively. The <10% risk of ES model would yield a 28% or 64% reduction in CE
Source: journals.lww.comCategories: General Medicine News, NeurologyTweet
Mashup Score: 1Is Intraoperative Muscle Motor Evoked Potential Variability ... : Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology - 25 day(s) ago
EPs were evoked in the soleus muscle using constant-current stimulators and recorded through surface electrodes with a 20-second interstimulus interval. First, HRs were obtained with an intensity capable of evoking the maximum response. Subsequently, MEPs were obtained with double trains and an intensity of 700 to 900 mA. Coefficients of variation (CVs) of amplitude and area under the curve from HRs and MEPs were compared using a paired two-tailed Student t test. Coefficients of correlation between the mean CVs of HR and MEP parameters were also assessed. Results: Pooling the results from the six patients, the mean CV of amplitude from the MEP (24.6 ± 3) was significantly higher than that from the HR (3.5 ± 4.4) (P = 0.000091). The mean CV of the MEP area under the curve (21.8 ± 4.8) was also statistically significantly higher than that from the HR area under the curve (3.4 ± 4.5) (P = 0.00091). The coefficients of correlation of the mean CV of the HR amplitude and area under the curve
Source: journals.lww.comCategories: General Medicine News, NeurologyTweet
Mashup Score: 12Current Issue : Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology - 1 month(s) ago
The Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology features both topical reviews and original research in both central and peripheral neurophysiology, as related to patient evaluation and treatment. Official Journal of the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society
Source: journals.lww.comCategories: General Medicine News, NeurologyTweet
Mashup Score: 12Diagnostic Value of Bereitschaftspotential in People With... : Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology - 1 month(s) ago
before intended movements in 17 adults with FS and 17 controls with alternative diagnoses. We evaluated the signals for the presence of BP, latency, amplitude, and early versus late BP. Results: Bereitschaftspotential was present in all except one person with FS. We found no significant differences in the latency and amplitude of BP between participants with FS and controls. The early BP showed the most significant variance in amplitude, latency, and presence. Conclusions: We found interictal typical BP values in participants with FS and variable semiology, while earlier research found interictal no BP in functional movement disorders. These findings do not support the use of BP as an interictal diagnostic tool for FS. Differences in early BP and focus on FS with pure motor semiology are starting points for further research evaluating potential interictal markers in people with FS….
Source: journals.lww.comCategories: General Medicine News, NeurologyTweet
Mashup Score: 14Classifying High-Frequency Oscillations by Morphologic... : Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology - 2 month(s) ago
e a challenging task. We present a method of classifying HFOs based on morphologic contrast to the background. Methods: We retrospectively screened 31 consecutive patients who underwent intracranial recordings for epilepsy at Stanford Medical Center during a 2-year period, and 13 patients met the criteria for inclusion. Interictal EEG data were analyzed using an automated event detector followed by morphologic feature extraction and k-means clustering. Instead of only using event features, the algorithm also incorporated features of the background adjacent to the events. High-frequency oscillations with higher morphologic contrast to the background were labeled as pathologic, and “hotspots” with the most active pathologic HFOs were identified and compared with clinically determined seizure onset zones. Results: Clustering with contrast features produced groups with better separation and more consistent boundaries. Eleven of the 13 patients proceeded to surgery, and patients whose hotsp
Source: journals.lww.comCategories: General Medicine News, NeurologyTweet
Mashup Score: 17The American Clinical Neurophysiology Society Guideline on... : Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology - 2 month(s) ago
the use of cEEG for prognosis in a variety of conditions. In this guideline, we address these questions using American Clinical Neurophysiology Society structured methodology for clinical guideline development. Methods: A working group was formed from American Clinical Neurophysiology Society membership with expertise in neonatal cEEG and a set of priority questions developed. We performed literature searches in PubMed and EMBASE to identify relevant studies. Evidence tables were compiled from extracted data and quality assessments performed. A modification of the GRADE process was used to evaluate the body of evidence and draft recommendations. Results: Our working group identified six priority questions to evaluate the accuracy of cEEG for neonatal seizure diagnosis and the formulation of prognosis. An initial literature search yielded 18,167 results, which were distilled to a set of 217 articles. Overall, the quality of evidence for most priority questions was rated as very low and
Source: journals.lww.comCategories: General Medicine News, NeurologyTweet
Mashup Score: 13The American Clinical Neurophysiology Society Guideline on... : Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology - 2 month(s) ago
the use of cEEG for prognosis in a variety of conditions. In this guideline, we address these questions using American Clinical Neurophysiology Society structured methodology for clinical guideline development. Methods: A working group was formed from American Clinical Neurophysiology Society membership with expertise in neonatal cEEG and a set of priority questions developed. We performed literature searches in PubMed and EMBASE to identify relevant studies. Evidence tables were compiled from extracted data and quality assessments performed. A modification of the GRADE process was used to evaluate the body of evidence and draft recommendations. Results: Our working group identified six priority questions to evaluate the accuracy of cEEG for neonatal seizure diagnosis and the formulation of prognosis. An initial literature search yielded 18,167 results, which were distilled to a set of 217 articles. Overall, the quality of evidence for most priority questions was rated as very low and
Source: journals.lww.comCategories: General Medicine News, NeurologyTweet
Mashup Score: 12Current Issue : Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology - 2 month(s) ago
The Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology features both topical reviews and original research in both central and peripheral neurophysiology, as related to patient evaluation and treatment. Official Journal of the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society
Source: journals.lww.comCategories: General Medicine News, NeurologyTweet
Mashup Score: 28Chronobiological Spatial Clusters of Cortical Regions in... : Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology - 2 month(s) ago
drug-resistant epilepsy. To ensure generalizability of our findings beyond patients with drug-resistant epilepsy, we excluded stereotactic electroencephalography electrode contacts lying within seizure-onset zones, epileptogenic lesions, having frequent epileptiform activity, and excessive artifact. For each patient, we evaluated twenty-four 5-minute stereotactic electroencephalography epochs, sampled hourly throughout the day, and obtained the HFO rate (number of HFOs/minute) in every stereotactic electroencephalography channel. We analyzed diurnal rhythms of the HFO rates with the cosinor model and clustered neuroanatomic parcels in a standard brain space based on similarity of their cosinor parameters. Finally, we compared overlap among resting-state networks, described in the neuroimaging literature, and chronobiological spatial clusters discovered by us. Results: We found five clusters that localized predominantly or exclusively to the left perisylvian, left perirolandic and left
Source: journals.lww.comCategories: General Medicine News, NeurologyTweet
Mashup Score: 13Early Electrophysiology in Suspected Acute Guillain–Barré... : Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology - 2 month(s) ago
a, with suspected acute GBS. We performed extensive neurophysiology at three different time points. Novel tests, including cutaneous silent periods, long latency reflexes, and contraction-induced H reflexes, were assessed. Results: Twenty-three participants were studied, including 13 cases of acute GBS. In total, 69% of acute cases of GBS were accurately diagnosed on the first nerve conduction study using published neurophysiologic criteria, with serial studies rarely altering the GBS subtype classification. Antidromic and orthodromic upper limb sensory studies were diagnostically equivalent. A sural sparing pattern was seen in 77% of cases of GBS at the first test. Long latency reflexes and contraction-induced H reflexes testing were abnormal in most participants but were limited by muscle weakness in some. Cutaneous silent periods testing was unobtainable in approximately 50% of cases because of weakness and did not discriminate from mimic disorders. Conclusions: Abnormalities of lon
Source: journals.lww.comCategories: General Medicine News, NeurologyTweet
Congratulations to the 2025 CAM Award (Cosimo Ajmone-Marsan) winners, Dr. France Fung et al! Check out their article on continuous EEG monitoring in critically ill children, and how stratification by risk can suggest optimal duration to detect seizures: https://t.co/G3YATga73t https://t.co/Lnyfd6uTIL