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    • 👉NEW PUBLICATION ALERT from Gus Cho lab! https://t.co/RiTJLHPnjS https://t.co/TvNzkZ35ws @CircRes @WUDeptMedicine

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    Oh and colleagues demonstrate that the DUSP6–RSK1 axis is involved in the transformation of myeloproliferative neoplasms to secondary acute myeloid leukemia and that DUSP6 mediates the response to JAK2 inhibition.

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    • Check out this paper in @NatureCancer on research coming out of @mpndoc lab about a possible new target, DUSP6, for myeloid malignancies. Congrats to all who contributed to this exciting research! @TimKong_ @HuangLabMcGill @HmzaCelik @challenlab @yangck_ https://t.co/1dUy4Wd4O1

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    Oral and Poster Abstracts Oral 634. Myeloproliferative Syndromes: Clinical and Epidemiological: Towards Personalized Medicine in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms and Mastocytosis: New and Repurposed Drugs for Unmet Clinical Needs Biological therapies, MPN, Chronic Myeloid Malignancies, drug development, hematopoiesis, Diseases, Therapies, Myeloid Malignancies, Biological…

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    • Dr. Stephen Oh @mpndoc, Co-Chief and Associate Professor @WashUHeme will be giving an oral presentation on Pacritinib (ACVR1 inhibitor) & Significant Anemia Benefit in Myelofibrosis Pts. Sun 12/11 5:15pm, 217-219 Conv Center. https://t.co/9UExurjGfi https://t.co/D5Ec0vcUjv