Mashup Score: 4Hemodynamic Support in Sepsis - 4 month(s) ago
This review discusses recent evidence in managing sepsis-induced hemodynamic alterations and how it can be integrated with previous knowledge for actionable interventions in adult patients.
Source: pubs.asahq.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Critical CareTweet
Mashup Score: 8Acetaminophen for Prevention and Treatment of Organ Dysfunction - 6 month(s) ago
This randomized trial assesses whether acetaminophen would increase the number of days alive and free of organ support to day 28 among critically ill patients with sepsis and respiratory or circulatory organ dysfunction.
Source: jamanetwork.comCategories: General Medicine News, Critical CareTweet
Mashup Score: 17Low-Dose Corticosteroids for Adults With Severe Pulmonary Infections - 9 month(s) ago
This Review discusses whether treatment with low-dose corticosteroids may benefit critically ill patients with respiratory infections who have septic shock, acute respiratory distress syndrome, or both.
Source: jamanetwork.comCategories: General Medicine News, Critical CareTweet
Mashup Score: 1The Evolution of the Academic Anesthesiology Department Chair Job Description: Adapting to Headwinds - Vital Times: The CSA Podcast - 11 month(s) ago
CSA Vital Times tracked down some of the chairs running some elite Anesthesiology Departments – they just happen to be in California! They have survived and thrived the seismic changes occurring across all academic medical institutions, ie the increase in clinical need, with huge growths in anesthetic opportunities (and locations – see #NORA), the competition with community hospitals, and resulting impact on their staff. Dr. Michael Gropper (UCSF), Dr. Ron Pearl (recently retired Stanford chair), and Dr. Richard Applegate (UC Davis and now Loma Linda) get together with Dr. Ludwig Lin for an eye-opening and thought-provoking chat.
Source: www.buzzsprout.comCategories: General Medicine News, Critical CareTweet
Mashup Score: 3The role of renin-angiotensin system in sepsis-associated... : Current Opinion in Critical Care - 1 year(s) ago
ionally, this review aims to identify potential therapeutic approaches to intervene with the RAS and prevent the development of AKI. Recent findings Recent studies have provided increasing evidence of RAS alteration during sepsis, with systemic and local RAS disturbance, which can contribute to SA-AKI. Angiotensin II was recently approved for catecholamine resistant vasodilatory shock and has been associated with improved outcomes in selected patients. Summary SA-AKI is a common condition that can involve disturbances in the RAS, particularly the canonical angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) angiotensin-II (Ang II)/angiotensin II receptor 1 (AT-1R) axis. Increased renin levels, a key enzyme in the RAS, have been shown to be associated with AKI and may also guide vasopressor therapy in shock. In patients with high renin levels, angiotensin II administration may reduce renin concentration, improve intra-renal hemodynamics, and enhance signaling through the angiotensin II receptor 1. Furt
Source: journals.lww.comCategories: General Medicine News, Critical CareTweet
Mashup Score: 8Does Sponsorship Promote Equity in Career Advancement in Academic Medicine? A Scoping Review - PubMed - 1 year(s) ago
Sponsorship describes a set of actions wherein an influential champion (sponsor) uses their position to actively support a colleague’s career by helping them gain visibility, recognition, and/or positions. There is growing awareness of the importance of sponsorship for career advancement in academic …
Source: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.govCategories: General Medicine News, Critical CareTweet
Mashup Score: 1Practice Patterns of Anesthesiologist-Intensivists in the US | ASA Monitor | American Society of Anesthesiologists - 1 year(s) ago
ASA Monitor February 2024, Vol. 88, 29–30. Critical care medicine as an anesthesiology board subspecialty was established in 1986. Interestingly, in the early 1980s, other specialties, including internal medicine and surgery, attempted to create a unified Board of Critical Care Medicine (Anesthesiology 2001;95:781-8). This was ultimately unsuccessful due to disagreements on training qualifications, hence the individualized board certifications within disparate fields as we know them today. In the United
Source: pubs.asahq.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Critical CareTweet
Mashup Score: 48Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week - 1 year(s) ago
Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week : WFSA – Resources |
Source: resources.wfsahq.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Critical CareTweet
Mashup Score: 8Management of supraventricular arrhythmias in the intensive care unit: a step in the right direction - PubMed - 1 year(s) ago
Management of supraventricular arrhythmias in the intensive care unit: a step in the right direction
Source: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.govCategories: General Medicine News, Critical CareTweet
Mashup Score: 9
American Thoracic Society
Source: www.thoracic.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Critical CareTweet
RT @UCSFAnesthesia: Everything you need to know on hemodynamic support in sepsis! https://t.co/Dx7EhvjU5W @ASALifeline @_Anesthesiology @uc…