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    • Our latest meta-analysis on #chemoradiation in nasopharyngeal cancer out in @TheLancetOncol Huge collaborative work. ✅ 28 trials, 8.000+ pts, 7.6y FU ✅ more chemo (ind+conc or conc+adj) âžĄïžsuperior (OS/PFS) to CRT alone but more tox Free 50day link: https://t.co/BtRJDZERRZ https://t.co/v2v5MsinnV

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    • As a head and neck radiation oncologist, I am very happy to see a great actor and a major advertisement company spread the word about #HPV, oropharyngeal cancer and #vaccine. Thanks a lot Michael Douglas & @PublicisGroupe https://t.co/CaLa9WDsMw #vaccineswork #radonc #hncsm https://t.co/JV8hGIoEsO