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    Every night, adults should get seven to nine hours of sleep, according to the National Sleep Foundation. But sometimes, even if you do sleep that long, you might not sleep

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    • Poor #SleepHygiene can contribute to common #SleepDisorders - often worsening #MentalHealth conditions and contributing to other chronic health problems. Learn more in this @SEENinprint article with our sleep medicine specialist Dr. Kathleen Yaremchuk: https://t.co/55OyPASNGB

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    Most people have better things to do than get a colonoscopy. But Kathy Desy, 74, gave in to the recommendations and had one. Invasive, stage 1 colon cancer would be found and treated the easiest way – early – and by a team of experts, starting with gastroenterologist Vishal Gupta, M.D.. He succeeded in doing what many others may not have done. Kathy and her husband of 57 years had used their…

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    • Meet Kathy Desy, a vibrant 75-year-old who leads a busy life alongside her husband of 57 years. Despite the temptation to skip her regular #colonoscopy, Kathy saw our gastroenterologist Dr. Vishal Gupta and a week later, received a life-changing call: https://t.co/Cx72Q1EDxu https://t.co/kTLrFsPNYp

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    When Norman Lewis received weights as a kid to help him get stronger, it ended up being a gift that changed his life. At 88-years-old with four joint replacements, he’s still lifting.

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    • Growing up in South Africa, Norman Lewis was skinny & bullied. To help him build #strength & #discipline, his father bought him #weights –a gift that would bring many opportunities & honors but would take a toll on his joints later in life. Read his story: https://t.co/LC1xhPU7vp https://t.co/Fm1314lakY