Mashup Score: 2@bogdienache - 6 hour(s) ago
Bogdan Enache is a cardiologist who delves into the nuances of medical research, questioning the relevance of much academic output while advocating for impactful studies. He’s actively involved in electrophysiology, discussing drug shortages and new medical technologies. Enache believes in the power of social media for scientific discourse, suggesting it might even surpass traditional journal peer reviews.[](https://x.com/bogdienache/status/1527715523588509697)[](https://x.com/bogdienache/status/1588577639882665985)[](https://x.com/bogdienache/status/1809925414531313737) Bogdienache’s been diving into medical literature, debating the merits of stents and CAC scans, while also celebrating New Year’s. [](https://x.com/bogdienache/status/1874460248985203083)[](https://x.com/bogdienache/status/1887157125626884354)[](https://x.com/bogdienache/status/1874485854020022600) The X community, including @drjohnm, @DavidLBrownMD, and @SABOURETCardio, frequently tags and acknowledges Bogdan for his
Source: x.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 2The Don't Die guy might have accidentally aged himself - 3 month(s) ago
Bryan Johnson, the “Don’t Die” guy, does an about-face on rapamycin, which he’d touted as a “lifespan booster.”
Source: sfstandard.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 8Seminar | Rare degenerative diseases and statistics: Methods for analyzing composite patient outcomes - 7 month(s) ago
About the Event: In this talk I explain why statistical power is maximized by analyzing the rawest form of clinical trial outcome data, as opposed to analyzing patients at a single time point or reducing rich longitudinal data to time-to-event outcomes. Analyzing all the data longitudinally also provides a formal way to handle missing or partially missing data. A highly flexible longitudinal model will be described in non-mathematical terms. This model is a longitudinal proportional odds logistic model
Source: mailchi.mpCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 3Let's BEAT Heart Failure Together - 9 month(s) ago
people across the UK have heart failure. people are newly diagnosed every year. It is important to point out that each of these symptoms is not unique to heart failure and can be caused by other conditions e.g. COPD and Chronic Kidney Disease, however if you have a combination of the common symptoms we would suggest you go to your GP surgery to point these out as there is a simple blood test called an NT-ProBNP that can help to diagnose heart failure. Heart failure can be diagnosed with a simple blood
Source: beathf.org.ukCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 2Three Questions for Evidence-Based Cardiac Electrophysiology - 10 month(s) ago
Clinical cardiac electrophysiology has evolved rapidly over the past several decades, allowing wide-ranging therapeutics to improve the lives of millions of patients. 1 The progression from physiology-based investigations to large, randomized trials of new drugs and devices has allowed clinicians to treat patients with greater confidence and an increasing sense that interventions are evidence-based. 2, 3 Approaches to national health care reform have applauded this trend and the increasing authority and
Source: www.ahajournals.orgCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 15Romania Is Quietly Doing Great - 11 month(s) ago
The country lost a sixth of its population to emigration after 1990. Now, thanks to a thriving economy, young Romanians are coming back.
Source: www.theamericanconservative.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 12The HF-ABCDE + FG approach in heart failure: a simplified decision-making algorithm for management in emergency department - 12 month(s) ago
We propose a simplified diagnostic and therapeutic approach to heart failure in the setting of emergency department (ED), on the basis of recommendations coming
Source: academic.oup.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 38
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) may change the standard of care of patients sharing the characteristics of trial participants. However, well-designed trials
Source: academic.oup.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 2
By Robert Schaller, Sergio Pinski. Just don’t be surprised if you struggle to remember the content of a relevant article (or when and where you read it), including this one.
Categories: Cardiologists, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 0Defibrillation failure in patients undergoing replacement of subcutaneous defibrillator pulse generator - PubMed - 2 year(s) ago
The high proportion of patients with DFT failure after S-ICD pulse generator replacement indicates that DFT testing is mandatory to ensure safe function of the S-ICD.
Source: PubMedCategories: Cardiologists, Latest HeadlinesTweet
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