• Mashup Score: 8

    Aguilar-Ramirez et al. examine cross-sectional associations between adiposity and metabolic traits among Mexican adults. Their findings suggest that higher total and central adiposity relate adversely, whilst higher gluteo-femoral adiposity relates favourably, to numerous metabolic factors relevant to disease risk.

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    • 🧵 New paper on comparing advanced lipid testing (NMR) with body fat (adiposity) - ht @nicknorwitz High adiposity associates with: - ⬆️ #ApoB & #LDL-C - ⬆️ #triglycerides - ⬆️ levels of all fatty acids How does this relate to #LEM? Let's unpack... /1 https://t.co/PkiLbNOHdh

  • Mashup Score: 4

    In this hypothesis paper, we provide the first formal description of the Lipid Energy Model: ——-https://www.mdpi.com/2218-1989/12/5/460The Lipid Energy M…

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    • 👉Yes, metabolic health is relevant when looking at #LDL #cholesterol & #ApoB. 👉👉Each are integral parts of lipid metabolism, as is #HDL #cholesterol & #triglycerides. 👉👉👉This is why it's so important to analyze these in combination specifically. https://t.co/ZMp8AyweCG

  • Mashup Score: 3

    Cholesterol is an essential component to every cell in our body. It is; however, the substance that is responsible for atherosclerosis and is the major cause of heart attacks, stoke, and peripheral artery disease. In general, the higher your cholesterol number, the greater your risk for having a cardiovascular event. The good news is lowering it can be easier than you think! With a few simple…

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    • DO YOU HAVE HIGH CHOLESTEROL? LEARN WHAT TO DO TO LOWER IT QUICKLY!, by @Doc4Heart https://t.co/AprTMRxFd6 #cholesterol #triglycerides #nuts #fats #lowercholesterol #heartattack #stroke #mediterraneandiet

  • Mashup Score: 0

    I want to welcome everyone to my newsletter called, “Doctor, Doctor tell me the TRUTH!”. With no agenda or loyalty to any hospital system, governmental agency, insurance or pharmaceutical company, my newsletter will enlighten you with the “real deal” about your health, well-being, and the healthcare system in general. I will take the difficult topics in medicine, cardiovascular disease,…

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    • https://t.co/v3dQNobtgr #substack #lipids #triglycerides