Mashup Score: 4VAMP726 from maize and Arabidopsis confers pollen resistance to heat and UV radiation by influencing lignin content of sporopollenin - 1 year(s) ago
Plants have evolved sporopollenin in the pollen cell wall to protect male gametophytes. However, the chemical composition of sporopollenin remains to be fully resolved. This study reports that three common lignin monomers are present in sporopollenin from the pollen cell walls of maize and Arabidopsis, and that VAMP726 is a key regulator of sporopollenin lignin content. Genetic manipulation of VAMP726 expression strongly altered pollen resistance to heat and UV radiation, suggesting that this may be a promising approach for the creation of elite crops in a warming world.
Source: www.cell.comCategories: General Medicine News, General NewsTweet
Mashup Score: 7A synthetic light-inducible photorespiratory bypass enhances photosynthesis to improve rice growth and grain yield - 1 year(s) ago
Bioengineering a novel photorespiratory bypass is a viable and feasible approach for substantially improving plant productivity. The light-dependent GMA bypass can significantly improve photosynthetic rates and grain yields of rice under greenhouse and field conditions without affecting seed-setting rate.
Source: www.cell.comCategories: General Medicine News, General HCPsTweet
Mashup Score: 4
This review summarizes our current understanding of the responses of rice, wheat, and maize to high-temperature stress during flowering, with a focus on spikelet opening, anther dehiscence, pollen shedding, pollen viability, pistil and stigma function, pollen germination on the stigma, and pollen tube elongation. A comprehensive list of selection indexes for breeding heat-tolerant varieties and managing crops under high-temperature stress is provided.
Source: www.cell.comCategories: General Medicine News, General HCPsTweet
Mashup Score: 3
The nutritional quality of food is a growing challenge, as global demand for protein production is predicted to double by 2050. Cereals supply a large proportion of global caloric and protein needs, and they provide a more environmentally friendly option for sustainable protein production than livestock. With new information on the effects of altered plant vasculature and senescence on grain protein levels, there are new opportunities for cereals to make a significant contribution to overall protein supply.
Source: www.cell.comCategories: General Medicine News, General NewsTweet
Mashup Score: 0
This study reports the visualization of various secondary metabolites in T. mairei leaf sections using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization–mass spectrometry imaging analysis and shows that most taxol biosynthesis genes are expressed mainly in leaf mesophyll cells though single-cell sequencing of the Taxus leaf. A number of novel and cell-specific transcription factors were also identified, providing valuable resources for studying the cell-type-specific regulation of secondary metabolism.
Source: www.cell.comCategories: General Medicine News, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 0Xa1 Allelic R Genes Activate Rice Blight Resistance Suppressed by Interfering TAL Effectors - 1 year(s) ago
Xa1 confers TAL effector-dependent resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pathovar oryzae (Xoo) in rice, and resistance is suppressed by interfering TAL effectors (iTALEs). This study reports the characterization of five additional R genes, namely Xa2, Xa14, CGS-Xo111, Xa31(t), and Xa45(t), all allelic to Xa1 that mediate similar host-susceptible or -resistant phenotypes to the infection of Xoo strains carrying or lacking iTALEs.
Source: www.cell.comCategories: General Medicine News, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 0Plant science with impact: Cell Press - 1 year(s) ago
A collection presenting influential plant science research published in Molecular Plant and Plant Communications between 2020 to 2023.
Source: www.cell.comCategories: General Medicine News, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 1
The “Rising Stars in Plant Sciences” (RSPS) Award has been hosted annually by Molecular Plant and its sister journal, Plant Communications, since 2022, with the aim of recognizing young scientists making outstanding contributions to plant science and providing plant science solutions to the challenges faced by human beings in food, environment, and energy worldwide. The global application and selection of RSPS2023 were launched in early 2023. A total of 10 finalists were selected after two rounds of
Source: www.cell.comCategories: General Medicine News, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 4
The “Rising Stars in Plant Sciences” (RSPS) Award has been hosted annually by Molecular Plant and its sister journal, Plant Communications, since 2022, with the aim of recognizing young scientists making outstanding contributions to plant science and providing plant science solutions to the challenges faced by human beings in food, environment, and energy worldwide. The global application and selection of RSPS2023 were launched in early 2023. A total of 10 finalists were selected after two rounds of
Source: www.cell.comCategories: General Medicine News, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 1
Although AtABCG14 is essential for long-distance transport of trans-zeatin (tZ)-type cytokinins, biochemical evidence for its role as a cytokinin transporter is lacking. This study reports that AtABCG14 forms homodimers and displays transporter activity toward multiple cytokinin species in homologous and heterologous systems. It provides evidence that AtABCG14 mediates circular long-distance…
Source: Plant CommunicationsCategories: General Medicine News, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Maize and Arabidopsis VAMP726 confers pollen resistance to heat and UV radiation by influencing lignin content in sporopollenin #PlantCommunications highlight @MPlantPCom https://t.co/wrdOeGeTwr https://t.co/4XOTmZ2gtK