• Mashup Score: 17

    Another celebrity AirTag stalking story has hit Twitter. It’s not the first and it’s not just celebrities, but what can we learn from these stories? Just how vulnerable are we and how do we protect our personal privacy and safety when tens of millions of low cost personal BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) trackers will be […]

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    • RT @ScottBVS: AirTag stalking is everyone’s problem https://t.co/az6h7gWIwg #AirTag @Hannahrosemay_ #brooksnader #stalker #model #Apple #…

  • Mashup Score: 0

    In kidney transplant recipients, late graft failure is often multifactorial. In addition, primary endpoints in kidney transplantation studies seek to demonstrate the short-term efficacy and safety of clinical interventions. Although such endpoints might demonstrate short-term improvement in specific aspects of graft function or incidence of rejection, such findings do not automatically translate…

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    • Late graft failure is often multifactorial, thus combining several candidate #surrogate #endpoints into a well-validated #model is more likely to predict long-term outcome, better reflecting the complexity of late graft failure https://t.co/qgHs6dcpti 4/10 https://t.co/Dap6gmaRLT