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    Explore interactive educational options, such as surgical video and exam prep, and earn CME as you sharpen your knowledge.

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    • 42F has tenderness around the palm and finger area, noticeable swelling, and discomfort when her hand is gently extended. What’s going on here and how would you treat this? #LearnwithAAOS and earn #CME and #SAE for #MOC: https://t.co/xrQMLUiRX4 https://t.co/PeyJBuqEUh

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    CME by Topic - 1 year(s) ago

    Can’t sign in? Forgot your password? If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to reset your password. Can’t sign in? Forgot your username? Annals of Internal Medicine and Annals of Internal Medicine: Clinical Cases offer convenient ways to fulfill both your CME and MOC requirements. After logging in, it takes just a few minutes to earn credit using one of two models: complete the short quiz that accompanies articles with the “CME/MOC” label or document how an

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    • Annals of Internal Medicine and Annals of Internal Medicine: Clinical Cases offer convenient ways to fulfill both your #CME and #MOC credit requirements. Check them out here: https://t.co/VLtChYcoN3 https://t.co/TaIswQsfqR

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    ACP’s Internal Medicine Meeting 2023 was held in April but the CME 160 is here for those who could not attend the live meeting & for Premium Access registrants.

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    • Newly Released! ACP CME 160 session recordings now available. Enjoy over 160 hours of on-demand lectures delivered by expert faculty from Internal Medicine Meeting 2023. Earn #CME and #MOC credit anytime. Order today: https://t.co/DU2P6byzNZ #InternalMedicine https://t.co/sv0pNjSKTG

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    Explore interactive educational options, such as surgical video and exam prep, and earn CME as you sharpen your knowledge.

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    • 28M has chronic shoulder pain exacerbated with exercise. He is unable to lift his arm and has tenderness to palpation. What is the proper management? A) Nonsurgical B) Debridement C) SLAP repair #LearnwithAAOS and earn #CME and #SAE toward #MOC: https://t.co/HhogtsMcnZ https://t.co/pBweIxXhPj