Mashup Score: 23Frontiers | UnionCAM: enhancing CNN interpretability through denoising, weighted fusion, and selective high-quality class activation mapping - 3 month(s) ago
1 The Institute of Computin g, China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Ltd, Beijing, China 2 The Center of National Railway Intelligent Transportation System Engineering and Technology, Beijing, China 3 Xi’ an Jiaotong University, Xi’ an, China 4 Signal and Communication Research Institute, China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Ltd, Beijing, China Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved remarkable success in various computer vision tasks. However, the lack of interpretability
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Mashup Score: 3Frontiers | Real-time location of acupuncture points based on anatomical landmarks and pose estimation models - 3 month(s) ago
1 Industry 4.0 Convergence Bionics Engineering, Pukyon g National University, Busan, Republic of Korea 2 Major of Biomedical Engineering, Division of Smart Healthcare, Pukyong National University, Busan, Republic of Korea 3 College of Korean Medicine, Dongshin University, Naju, Republic of Korea 4 Major of Human Bioconvergence, Division of Smart Healthcare, Pukyong National University, Busan, Republic of Korea 5 Digital of Healthcare Research Center, Institute of Information Technology and Convergence,
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Mashup Score: 2
1 College of Education, Hebei Normal University, Hebei, China 2 Industrial Fundamentals Teaching Department, Hebei Vocational University of Industry and Technology, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China Introduction: With the development of artificial intelligence and robotics technology, the application of educational robots in teaching is becoming increasingly popular. However, effectively evaluating and optimizing multimodal educational robots remains a challenge. Methods: This study introduces Res-ALBEF, a
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Mashup Score: 5Frontiers | LS-VIT: Vision Transformer for action recognition based on long and short-term temporal difference - 3 month(s) ago
Dong Chen 1,2,3 Peisong Wu 1,3 Mingdong Chen 1,3 † Mengtao Wu 1,3 † Tao Zhang 1,3 † Chuanqi Li 2 * 1 College of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Nanning Normal University, Nanning, China 2 College of Computer Science and Engineering, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China 3 Guangxi Key Laboratory of Functional Information Materials and Intelligent Information Processing, Nanning, China Over the past few years, a growing number of researchers have dedicated their efforts to focusing on temporal
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Mashup Score: 2Frontiers | Editorial: Assistive and service robots for health and home applications (RH3 - Robot Helpers in Health and Home) - 3 month(s) ago
In Choi et al. (2024), the main trends in assistive technologies for healthcare and home environments were analyzed. In that study, assistive technologies we…
Source: www.frontiersin.orgCategories: General Medicine News, NeurologyTweet
Mashup Score: 1Frontiers | A modified A* algorithm combining remote sensing technique to collect representative samples from unmanned surface vehicles - 3 month(s) ago
School of Advanced Manufacturing Engineering, Hefei University, Hefei, China Ensuring representativeness of collected samples is the most critical requirement of water sampling. Unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) have been widely adopted in water sampling, but current USV sampling path planning tend to overemphasize path optimization, neglecting the representative samples collection. This study proposed a modified A * algorithm that combined remote sensing technique while considering both path length and
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Mashup Score: 2Frontiers | TL-CStrans Net: a vision robot for table tennis player action recognition driven via CS-Transformer - 3 month(s) ago
1 Guangdong Polytechnic of Environmental Protection Engineering, Foshan, China 2 Hunan Labor and Human Resources Vocational College, Changsha, China Currently, the application of robotics technology in sports training and competitions is rapidly increasing. Traditional methods mainly rely on image or video data, neglecting the effective utilization of textual information. To address this issue, we propose: TL-CStrans Net: A vision robot for table tennis player action recognition driven via CS-Transformer.
Source: www.frontiersin.orgCategories: General Medicine News, NeurologyTweet
Mashup Score: 7Frontiers | Cascade contour-enhanced panoptic segmentation for robotic vision perception - 3 month(s) ago
1 Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China 2 School of Information Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai, China 3 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Panoptic segmentation plays a crucial role in enabling robots to comprehend their surroundings, providing fine-grained scene understanding information for robots’ intelligent tasks. Although existing methods have made some progress, they are prone to
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Mashup Score: 1Frontiers | Noisy Dueling Double Deep Q-Network Algorithm for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Path Planning - 4 month(s) ago
Xu Liao 1,2 Le Li 2 * Chuangxia Huang 1,3 Xian Zhao 1,2 Shumin Tan 2 1 School of Mathematics and Statistics, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha, Hunan, China 2 School of Meteorology and Oceanography, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, Hunan, China 3 College of Science, Hunan University of Science and Engineering, Yongzhou, Hunan, China How to improve the success rate o f autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) path planning and reduce travel time as much as possible is
Source: www.frontiersin.orgCategories: General Medicine News, NeurologyTweet
Mashup Score: 3Frontiers | Sports-ACtrans Net: research on multimodal robotic sports action recognition driven via ST-GCN - 4 month(s) ago
Physical Education Institute, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, Henan, China Introduction: Accurately recognizing and understanding human motion actions presents a key challenge in the development of intelligent sports robots. Traditional methods often encounter significant drawbacks, such as high computational resource requirements and suboptimal real-time performance. To address these limitations, this study proposes a novel approach called Sports-ACtrans Net. Methods: In this approach, the Swin
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New Research: UnionCAM: enhancing CNN interpretability through denoising, weighted fusion, and selective high-quality class activation mapping https://t.co/DmrvY10BcA #FrontiersIn #Neurorobotics