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    Gastrointestinal Tuberculosis (GITB) and Crohn’s disease (CD) are both chronic granulomatous diseases with a predilection to involve primarily the terminal ileum. GITB is often considered a disease of the developing world, while CD and inflammatory bowel disease are considered a disease of the developed world. But in recent times, the epidemiology of both diseases has changed. Differentiating GITB from CD is of immense clinical importance as the management of both diseases differs. While GITB needs anti-tubercular therapy (ATT), CD needs immunosuppressive therapy. Misdiagnosis or a delay in diagnosis can lead to catastrophic consequences. Most of the clinical features, endoscopic findings, and imaging features are not pathognomonic for either of these two conditions. The definitive diagnosis of GITB can be clinched only in a fraction of cases with microbiological positivity (acid-fast bacilli, mycobacterial culture, or PCR-based tests). In most cases, the diagnosis is often based on co

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    • A Review published in #BMCGastroEnterol summarizes the evidence and strategies for distinguishing gastrointestinal tuberculosis from Crohn’s disease. https://t.co/0bg2Bk4kx5