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    Access this webinar on Gender differences in valvular heart disease: focus on aortic stenosis and more with Professor A. Chieffo (Italy,IT),Associate Professor J. Grapsa (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland,GB), Professor B. Cosyns (Belgium,BE),Doctor A. Franzone (Italy,IT),Doctor G. Mandoli (Italy,IT).

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    • Don’t miss @escardio webinar on #gender differences in #aorticstenosis with @alaide_chief @Cosyns @DrGEMandoli @franzone_anna - Register today ➡️ https://t.co/vmt9YuDC9F @ESC_Journals @AnastasiaSMihai @rafavidalperez @VDelgadoGarcia @EACVIPresident @EAPCIPresident @ShehabAnwer… https://t.co/hYT4MbJlHD https://t.co/BINg3EG2CG

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    Patients with moderate to severe aortic stenosis had similar outcomes to patients with severe aortic stenosis, whereas those with moderate aortic stenosis were comparable to those with mild aortic stenosis, researchers reported.The researchers conducted the KP-VALVE project using artificial intelligence algorithms to determine the association between physician-assessed aortic stenosis severity,

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    • Patients with moderate to severe aortic stenosis had similar outcomes to patients with severe #AorticStenosis, whereas those with moderate aortic stenosis were comparable to those with mild aortic stenosis @kpnorcal @MDSolomonMD #cardiotwitter https://t.co/wm9GUAWJoi

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    Hear Peter Libby, Deepak Bhatt, Franz Messerli, Roxana Mehran, Tom Guzik, and many more discussing the latest science that can impact your practice. 

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    • New #ESCCardioTalk podcast 🤗🎙️ Gregg Pressman & Christian Witzke-Sanz discuss: Aortic stenosis: new insights into predicting disease progression https://t.co/688tkrAs93 #EHJCI #CVD #cardiotwitter #aorticvalve #echocardiography #aorticstenosis https://t.co/Bz725az6xZ