• Mashup Score: 0

    Males fare worse than females on many health outcomes, but more attention, particularly at a national level, is given to women’s issues. This apparent paradox might be explained by gamma bias or a similar gender bias construct. Such potential biases require exploration. The purpose of the current paper is to present six streams of evidence that illustrate a bias against men’s issues within the…

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    • Bias against men's issues within @UN and @WHO Organization: A content analysis https://t.co/Z7HGazKE15 via @JamesLNuzzo https://t.co/mJGpXwIKqS

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    Source code available at https://github.com/kevinrue/iSEEdatasets

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    • @Bioconductor @ZENODO_ORG The first contribution to the #Bioconductor @ZENODO_ORG Community, demonstration datasets for iSEE, is from @KevinRUE67 https://t.co/nqYDJGfIuq

  • Mashup Score: 77

    The COVID-19 vaccine has been a miraculous, life-saving advance, offering staggering efficacy in adults, and developed with astonishing speed. The time from sequencing the virus to authorizing the first COVID-19 vaccine was so brisk even the optimists appear close-minded. Yet, simultaneously, United States’ COVID-19 vaccination roll-out and related policies have contained missed opportunities,…

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    • When Trump was president, they said EUA vaccines are dangerous, and ask FDA to delay initial approval, costing lives, when Biden was president they said you're a fool for not taking it. Can't be a scientist& naked partisan I detail it in my pre-print 👇 https://t.co/cPxvB1q9FW https://t.co/GxbJ6B7sjg

  • Mashup Score: 4

    The COVID-19 vaccine has been a miraculous, life-saving advance, offering staggering efficacy in adults, and developed with astonishing speed. The time from sequencing the virus to authorizing the first COVID-19 vaccine was so brisk even the optimists appear close-minded. Yet, simultaneously, United States’ COVID-19 vaccination roll-out and related policies have contained missed opportunities,…

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    • I cannot agree more with @BillAckman This is a phenomenal post He is absolutely right about COVID vaccine policy errors. I detail them in this pre-print https://t.co/cPxvB1q9FW No one in public health pro-unethical c19 vax mandates has a shot vs. RFK https://t.co/b7RcLBuBFS https://t.co/GNAkJRw7uq

  • Mashup Score: 59

    The COVID-19 vaccine has been a miraculous, life-saving advance, offering staggering efficacy in adults, and developed with astonishing speed. The time from sequencing the virus to authorizing the first COVID-19 vaccine was so brisk even the optimists appear close-minded. Yet, simultaneously, United States’ COVID-19 vaccination roll-out and related policies have contained missed opportunities,…

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    • Well it was great for older people who didnt already have C19 No evidence to date any healthy child needed it Perhaps not useful for most adults who had covid Never tested for ability to halt transmission and yet mandated anyway A more complicated story.. https://t.co/cPxvB1pBQo https://t.co/WmJjPHBFyQ