Mashup Score: 0Donation Process Overview - 2 year(s) ago
The blood donation process from the time you arrive until the time you leave takes about an hour. The donation itself is only about 8-10 minutes on average.
Source: www.redcrossblood.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 3Donation Process Overview - 2 year(s) ago
The blood donation process from the time you arrive until the time you leave takes about an hour. The donation itself is only about 8-10 minutes on average.
Source: www.redcrossblood.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 0Whats your blood type - 2 year(s) ago
Interested in learning your blood type? This small piece of info can be the one thing that saves your life, or the life of someone in need. 4.5 million Americans receive a transfusion each year and it’s important they receive the most compatible blood donation possible. Pregnant mothers, trauma victims, cancer patients and premature babies all rely on healthy donors with similar blood types. And…
Source: www.redcrossblood.orgCategories: Healthcare Professionals, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 2Blood Donor App - 2 year(s) ago
Download the Red Cross Blood Donor App. Our mobile app puts the power to save lives in the palm of your hand.
Source: www.redcrossblood.orgCategories: Hem/Oncs, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 1
Find the nearest Red Cross blood, platelet or plasma donation center. Make a difference in someone’s life, give the gift of life.
Source: www.redcrossblood.orgCategories: Latest Headlines, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 2Schedule Your Blood Donation With The Red Cross - 3 year(s) agoSource: www.redcrossblood.orgCategories: Latest Headlines, SurgeryTweet
Mashup Score: 3Home Page - 3 year(s) ago
Blood donors report feeling a sense of great satisfaction after making their blood donation. Why? Because helping others in need just feels good. Donate blood today to help those in need.
Source: www.redcrossblood.orgCategories: Infectious Disease, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 37Red Cross National Blood Shortage Crisis - 3 year(s) ago
The American Red Cross is facing a national blood supply crisis – its worst blood supply shortage in over a decade, posing a concerning risk to patient care. Please schedule a blood donation.
Source: www.redcrossblood.orgCategories: Latest Headlines, Oncologists1Tweet
Mashup Score: 2Schedule Your Blood Donation With The Red Cross - 3 year(s) agoSource: www.redcrossblood.orgCategories: Latest Headlines, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 0Home Page - 3 year(s) ago
Blood donors report feeling a sense of great satisfaction after making their blood donation. Why? Because helping others in need just feels good. Donate blood today to help those in need.
Source: www.redcrossblood.orgCategories: Critical Care, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Donating blood is a safe and rewarding experience. In about one hour, an eligible individual can donate one unit of blood that can help save multiple lives. Learn more: https://t.co/3Y61d9zZmG https://t.co/iRXZrarsQU