Mashup Score: 2Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Test: MedlinePlus Medical Test - 3 day(s) ago
This test measures rheumatoid factors in a sample of your blood. High levels of rheumatoid factors may be a sign of rheumatoid arthritis or another autoimmune disease. Learn more.
Source: medlineplus.govCategories: General Medicine News, General NewsTweet
Mashup Score: 4Glaucoma | Blindness | MedlinePlus - 2 month(s) ago
Glaucoma damages the eye’s optic nerve. It is more common in seniors, and can cause blindness. Read about the types, and diagnosis, and treatment.
Source: medlineplus.govCategories: General Medicine News, General NewsTweet-
Glaucoma is a group of conditions that can damage the eye's optic nerve. The damage is often related to high pressure in your eye. #Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in people over the age of 60. Learn more: https://t.co/4kKypkcxGX #NationalGlaucomaAwarenessMonth https://t.co/QFvDrZB4kp
Mashup Score: 5Weight Control: MedlinePlus - 2 month(s) ago
About two thirds of adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese. A weight control strategy can help you keep a healthy weight.
Source: medlineplus.govCategories: General Medicine News, General HCPsTweet
Mashup Score: 9Cold-weather wellness: Tips for staying healthy this season | NIH MedlinePlus Magazine - 2 month(s) ago
Getting a flu shot, eating well, and exercising can help improve your chances of staying healthy.
Source: magazine.medlineplus.govCategories: General Medicine News, General HCPsTweet
Mashup Score: 2Birth Defects: MedlinePlus - 2 month(s) ago
A birth defect is a problem that happens while a baby is developing in the mother’s body. Learn about the different types of birth defects, their treatments, and how some kinds can be prevented.
Source: medlineplus.govCategories: General Medicine News, General NewsTweet
Mashup Score: 5Hypothyroidism | Hashimoto's Disease | MedlinePlus - 2 month(s) ago
Hypothyroidism happens when your thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormone to meet your body’s needs. Hypothyroidism is more common in women.
Source: medlineplus.govCategories: General Medicine News, General HCPsTweet-
Hypothyroidism happens when the thyroid does not produce enough hormones. Its symptoms can vary from person to person and they may include: ➡️ Fatigue ➡️ Weight gain ➡️ Goiter ➡️ Puffy face ➡️ Depression ➡️ Constipation Learn more: https://t.co/zWPvyG9nyT #ThyroidAwarenessMonth https://t.co/AAo6MHv7Ng
Mashup Score: 2Cervical Cancer Screening | Pap Smear | HPV | MedlinePlus - 2 month(s) ago
Cervical cancer is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). Reduce your risk of cervical cancer by having regular screening tests, and getting vaccinated against HPV.
Source: medlineplus.govCategories: General Medicine News, General HCPsTweet
Mashup Score: 2Multiple Myeloma | Myeloma | Multiple Myeloma Symptoms | MedlinePlus - 2 month(s) ago
Multiple myeloma is a cancer that begins in plasma cells, a type of white blood cell. Discover symptoms, diagnostic tests, and treatments for myeloma.
Source: medlineplus.govCategories: General Medicine News, General HCPsTweet-
#DYK #MultipleMyeloma is a cancer that begins in plasma cells, a type of white blood cell? These cells are part of your immune system. Over time, myeloma cells build up in the bone marrow and solid parts of the bone. Learn more about symptoms, treatments https://t.co/0Yz24M2PjB https://t.co/QvNcOZue6V
Mashup Score: 6Lock - 2 month(s) ago
Learn how to stay safe before, during, and after a home fire. Also, learn how to prevent home fires. Learn About Fires Before a Fire During a Fire After a Fire Prevent Home Fires Escape Plan Associated Content A fire can become life-threatening in just two minutes. A residence can be engulfed in flames in five minutes.
Source: www.ready.govCategories: General Medicine News, General NewsTweet-
#DYK a fire can become life-threatening in just two minutes? A residence can be engulfed in flames in 5 minutes. Remember that every second counts in the event of a fire. Escape plans help you get out of your home quickly. Learn more: https://t.co/lzuT7URZjs Source: @readygov https://t.co/WtEoVENspp
Mashup Score: 2Cervix Disorders | Cervicitis | Cervical Polyp | MedlinePlus - 2 month(s) ago
The cervix is the lower part of a woman’s uterus. Read about problems that can affect the cervix, like cervicitis (inflammation) and cervical polyps.
Source: medlineplus.govCategories: General Medicine News, General NewsTweet
A rheumatoid factor (RF) test looks for rheumatoid factor in a sample of your blood. Rheumatoid factors are proteins made by the immune system to attack germs. However, they sometimes attack healthy cells and tissues by mistake. Learn more about this test: https://t.co/q2zwzvhni2 https://t.co/BdSRllCaux