Mashup Score: 33No Amount of Hand-Washing Can Make COVID-19 a Seasonal Virus - WHN - 5 month(s) ago
Needless to say, words have meaning. The selection of words modulates the message understood by the receiver. With regard to COVID, terms such as “seasonal”, “like a cold”, and “like the flu” can be selected by writers to paint a portrait that lulls the reader into a false sense of security, drawing comparisons between a … Continued
Source: whn.globalCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 26Meet Our Team - WHN - 1 year(s) ago
Our team members bring their unique talents, knowledge, and experience to helping everyone be healthier I’m a Health Sciences student and multidisciplinary creative who specializes in medical educational material. Dr. Alberto Rosario is a physician and Field Epidemiologist. Dr. Rosario has extensive clinical experience. Social activist, philosopher. Founder (in 2013) and chairman of the social movement and association Polish Humanities Crisis Committee. Co-founder of the coalit Ph.D. in Chemistry by the
Source: whn.globalCategories: Infectious Disease, Latest HeadlinesTweet
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