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    Cardiologist and singer-songwriter Suzie Brown gives a vulnerable, evocative performance that tugs at our heartstrings. She is accompanied by her husband, Scot Sax.

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    • #DigitalHealth must find a song- A concert of melody and medicine https://t.co/PRcxO9jh3r #Music therapy (and Prevention )for #Burnout - Thanks to the amazing @suziebrownsongs and husband!

  • Mashup Score: 2
    Johannes Haushofer - 4 year(s) ago

    Money Behaviorist

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    • 3/ There is good data from the global health world that monetary incentives can help overcome the psychology of poverty as well as concrete barriers like the cost of time off to seek care, transportation to that care, or childcare while seeking that care. https://t.co/Kk1Su16UJI

  • Mashup Score: 4

    After years of investigating injuries in the NYC jails, Prisoner Health Warrior Homer Venters determined that a new injury surveillance system is required in order to adequately report injuries among patients in jail settings. This led Homer to uncover how the jail setting itself could pose health risks to patients. Homer discovered two specific and deadly health risks of jail: “jail attributable…

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    • 3/ @homerventers also spoke at TEDMED about the deadly health risks of incarceration: https://t.co/NtU8QncWDe

  • Mashup Score: 7

    Could you count on your fingers the number of corpses you’ve seen, touched, kissed, or embraced? Death Thought Leader Kevin Toolis challenges us to look past our fear of death. After all, we will all face mortality in due time. Kevin reminds us of rituals that have existed across cultures and centuries that allow us to see, experience, and embrace death with acceptance rather than fear. From…

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    • Why are we so afraid of death when we are all mortal beings? In his #TEDMED Talk Kevin Toolis (@KevinToolis) challenges our modern fear of death with reminders of cultural rituals that embrace death worldwide. https://t.co/6Owx39e8fB #IrishWake #makewayforwonder https://t.co/DiEqsunzsb

  • Mashup Score: 2

    In early days of his career, Virologist Leor Weinberger noticed a fundamental mismatch in the creation of viral therapies. While viruses are dynamic, therapies were static. He spent the next 20 years pursuing a radical question: Can a therapy mutate and transmit just as a virus does? He chased this idea wholeheartedly, in a quest for a dynamic therapy for HIV. In doing so, he created a “hijacker…

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    • Learn how this discovery could stop the next viral pandemic, watch Leor Weinberger's (@Weinberger_Lab) #TEDMED Talk. https://t.co/c29Ix0T725 #pandemic #virus #discovery https://t.co/nWupzW8kf9

  • Mashup Score: 5

    It is impossible to think about environmental advocacy today without remembering what brought us here. For decades, Consumer Advocate Ralph Nader has been identifying corporate misdeeds, galvanizing public action, and guiding regulatory action to build a safer and healthier world. From taking on the automobile industry by vying for improved safety features for passengers – like mandatory seat…

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    • One of the greatest Consumer Advocates of our time, #TEDMED 2020 Speaker Ralph Nader (@RalphNader) has truly shaped our country’s history as we know it. Watch his TEDMED 2020 Talk to learn how citizen led activism can create real change. https://t.co/JHW8VJj94a #ralphnader https://t.co/cPOBKHP57l

  • Mashup Score: 5

    The opioid epidemic is one of the biggest and most costly health risks facing modern America. Yet, CBD Scientist Yasmin Hurd suggests that there is a way to overcome this epidemic. Yasmin’s research focuses on Cannabidiol (CBD) as a non-addictive, efficacious treatment option for overcoming opioid addiction. From scientific research to the history behind Cannabinoids, Yasmin shares how the unique…

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    • Neuroscientist Yasmin Hurd (@HurdLab) focuses on Cannabidiol (CBD) as one non-addictive, efficacious treatment option for overcoming opioid addiction. Learn more in her 2020 #TEDMED Talk. @SinaiBrain https://t.co/xaSGSPSdZg #CBD #opioidaddiction https://t.co/6os9EeF9F2

  • Mashup Score: 2

    Acts of gun violence and domestic violence create many of the heart wrenching stories that plague us today. Public Health Criminologist April Zeoli has spent her career analyzing gun and domestic violence trends, with a particular focus on where guns and love interact. She shares that while the media places attention on frightening public mass shootings, the truth is that a majority of mass…

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    • Leaving a lasting impression, @AprilZeoli speaks up for victims of gun and domestic violence through an objective, analytical lens. Watch her #TEDMED Talk, "The frightening frequency of family mass shootings". https://t.co/jD6ryocP55 #domesticviolenceawarenessmonth https://t.co/MfNfxh6rkL

  • Mashup Score: 1

    Bio-Imaging Pioneer Gokul Upadhyayula is dedicated to making the invisible visible. By using revolutionary imaging technology, Gokul is able to provide biological insights with implications for the way we view and understand living organisms. With a novel approach, Gokul uses 3D imaging to observe cellular activity through a new lens. As such, he is able to generate data about living organisms to…

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    • Gokul Upadhyayula (@gokul_upad) uses 3D imaging of cellular activity to generate data about living organisms that can lead to life-saving advances. Learn more about his novel approach in his #TEDMED 2020 Talk. #science #technology https://t.co/hOUIj8khBu https://t.co/Tkcz9wIS6X