• Mashup Score: 0

    While wrist wearables are currently most commonly used to achieve wellness, many are integrating sensor technology in mainstream clothing and accessories. What are the pre-requisites for developing and disseminating such technologies, and what are their potential applications? What are the gaps in the current sensors that emerging sensors will fill? A panel of experts will share their insights on these important questions.

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    • Is #Sensor #Tech the Fashion of the Future? What are the pre-requisites for developing and disseminating such technologies, and what are their potential applications? Learn from this excellent panel at #HRX2023! @PassmanRod @experienceHRX @HRSonline https://t.co/x4et0p0Gem

  • Mashup Score: 2

    > 3billion women in the world have a combined purchasing power of $20 trillion per year & make more than 80% of healthcare decisions. Women’s health market size is estimated to reach $1.19 trillion globally by 2027 . While > 50% FemTech has focused on traditional women’s health issues, only 1% of existing FemTech companies address chronic women’s health conditions including Women’s CVD. Could Women’s CVD be the next digital frontier? What can we learn from FemTech Revolutionaries?

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    • @AndrewJSauer @DrMarthaGulati @experienceHRX @SanaAlkhatib9 @JagSinghMD @HumanTelemetry @BruiningNico @dslotwin @ASPCardio YES!! She is leading the FemTech Session! https://t.co/8Cx96hMEd8

  • Mashup Score: 13
    Innovators at Heart - 2 year(s) ago

    Join digital health innovators and leaders this Sept. in Seattle for an experience that fosters thought leadership, solutions-focused discussions and the latest advancements in cardiovascular digital health. Learn more

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    • We are getting ready! Who is attending @experienceHRX ? 💥HRX is the only cardiovascular digital health conference for all specialties! 💥HRX is building a community of compassionate digital health innovators dedicated to advancing technology in CV Health https://t.co/GHBOVbOMlr https://t.co/bFGN5jUZ9X

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    FDA 101 - 2 year(s) ago

    This session is dedicated to FDA regulation of digital health products, from traditional software-based medical devices to novel medical device software functions deployed on consumer products or wearables. Participants will join FDA leaders in an overview of the regulator y perspective and a discussion about various Digital Health topics, including artificial intelligence/machine learning, cybersecurity, use of digital health technologies in clinical trials, and relevant policies.

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    • FDA 101 https://t.co/4xXt2yH8PQ Pl mark you 🗓️for 9/21 this opportunity to discuss FDA regulation of digital⚕️products. #HRX2023 #EPeeps

  • Mashup Score: 1
    Program - 2 year(s) ago

    HRX 2023 will feature solutions-focused discussions, lively debate, early access to groundbreaking discoveries, and a wide range of topics, including emerging virtual care models, digital tech impact on health inequities, digital health funding perspectives, the business of digital health, digital patient experience, and health tech & solutions. We have an amazing line-up of speakers, including, Abraham Verghese, MD; Alissa Hsu Lynch, MBA; and Shyamal Patel, PhD, to name a few.

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    • RT @experienceHRX: View full agenda and register here: https://t.co/orfmhUuQ42…