• Mashup Score: 0

    It’s that time of year: Cooler weather, changing leaves, and unfortunately an uptick in upper respiratory infections. Respiratory illnesses are a common occurrence in the fall and winter, with seasonal cases of influenza, strep throat and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) likely increasing over the next few months. COVID-19 also remains active in our community, with many areas seeing a recent rise in cases. Below you’ ll find a few reminders to guide you through this year’s upper respiratory infection

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    • Respiratory illnesses are a common occurrence in the fall & winter, with seasonal cases of influenza, strep throat & RSV likely increasing over the next few months. Here are a few reminders to get you through this year’s upper respiratory infection season. https://t.co/h8xVZCkg2M https://t.co/YjpU2pOmHH

  • Mashup Score: 11

    High cholesterol is very common. In fact, more than one in 10 people in the United States will have high cholesterol. However, many don’t even know they have high cholesterol or much about this condition. Here are five common myths about cholesterol and the truth behind each of them. Truth 1: Cholesterol comes from two sources: dietary cholesterol (found in the food we eat) and blood cholesterol (naturally occurring, waxy, fat-like substance in our bodies). Blood cholesterol comes in two main types,

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    • High cholesterol is very common. In fact, more than one in 10 people in the U.S. will have high cholesterol. Here are five common myths about cholesterol and the truth behind each of them. https://t.co/FExVEePMu2 https://t.co/qlZGO6eHtw

  • Mashup Score: 1

    In some men, prostate cancer can be dangerous. However, most prostate cancers are slow-growing and will not cause any problems. An autopsy study of men in their 70s who died from non-prostate cancer causes showed that 70% of these men had prostate cancer and were unaware of it. Unfortunately, determining whether a man has a slow-growing cancer that will not cause any problems or a dangerous cancer that should be treated early is difficult. Until one of the dangerous cancers is in an advanced stage, there

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    • In some men, prostate cancer can be dangerous. However, most prostate cancers are slow-growing and will not cause any problems. Learn more: https://t.co/dj4AbegKE6 https://t.co/tO1TXTh6GT

  • Mashup Score: 11

    Whether you’re running, playing a pickup game of basketball or going for a power walk, take care when outdoor temperatures rise. Exercising in hot weather puts extra stress on your body. The exercise, plus the air temperature and humidity, can increase your core body temperature. Under normal conditions, your skin, blood vessels and perspiration serve as natural cooling systems. But these systems may fail if you’re on certain medications, exposed to high temperatures and humidity for too long, you sweat

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    • Exercising in hot weather puts extra stress on your body. Watch for signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses, including heat cramps, heat collapse, heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Learn more: https://t.co/99hQ8u95bz https://t.co/igAdDrK81b

  • Mashup Score: 3

    5 tips to gain control of your chronic pain 9/28/2020 by Dr. Christina Chen Up to 15% of the U.S. population suffers from some form of chronic pain, which can cause distress, limit daily activities and lead to debility. This is seen more often in older adults, where health issues, such as degenerative joint disease and…

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    • Successful management of chronic pain is a multifaceted process, much of which is influenced by our ability to realign our lives in a meaningful direction, despite physical limitations. These five lifestyle tips can help you gain control of chronic pain: https://t.co/ejx1lwUpRs https://t.co/Jw7WMeyXyk

  • Mashup Score: 2

    Food Safety: COVID-19 considerations and beyond 9/24/2020 by Michaeleen Burroughs, RDN, LD With September being National Food Safety Education Month, we are reminded that there are health and safety concerns beyond the looming pandemic to keep in mind in order to keep ourselves and family safe.  There are four crucial steps…

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    • With September being #NationalFoodSafetyEducationMonth, we are reminded that there are health & safety concerns beyond the looming pandemic to keep in mind in order to keep ourselves and family safe. Here are some highlights of each step to keep in mind: https://t.co/AbxlqcmoXi https://t.co/pnWen8ekg7