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    by Micaela Harris February 8, 2023 Heart cells known as cardiac pericytes help maintain balance and longevity in the coronary microvasculature. Although their role is important for the functioning of the coronary arteries, they are among the most underappreciated and ambiguous cell types. Evidence suggests that cardiac pericytes play an important role in many cardiovascular complications….

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    • Please check out our new protocol for differentiating human #iPSC derived #cardiacpericytes published @CircAHA. These cells are integral for coronary microvasculature. Congrats @twinsmc18 @chun_liu_86 @ShaneRZhao1 and @StanfordCVI @Illumina scientists https://t.co/c7xD4nTDFD https://t.co/OfAnmVVv5g