Association of Work Control With Burnout and Career Intentions Among U.S. Physicians: A Multi-Institution Study: Annals of Internal Medicine: Vol 0, No 0
Background: Physician control over their clinical work is hypothesized to be associated with both burnout and career intentions. Objective: To assess the association of perceived work control with burnout and career intentions. Design: A multi-institution study. Setting: Cross-sectional survey. Participants: A sample of U.S. physicians between November 2022 and December 2023. Measurements: A novel multicomponent measure of work control, Mini-Z single-item burnout measure, intent to reduce clinical hours (ITR), and intent to leave the current practice. Results: Among respondents, 61.4% (1318 of 2144) reported adequate control over patient load, 60.6% (1301 of 2144) adequate control over membership of their clinical team, and 61.3% (1434 of 2339) adequate control over workload. Adequate control over hiring of staff and clinical schedule were reported by 49.0% (772 of 1574) and 74.6% (1175 of 1574), respectively. Most respondents (58.3% [692 of 1186]) reported that they had sufficient aut