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    This randomized trial assesses the effect of 12 months of atorvastatin vs placebo on development of cardiac dysfunction among patients with lymphoma undergoing anthracycline-based chemotherapy.

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    • Will you give patients with lymphoma receiving R-CHOP atorvastatin for 1 year to reduce the risk of dropping EF by at least 10% without impacting the clinical endpoint of heart failure? ⁦@JAMA_current⁩ ⁦@venkmurthy⁩ https://t.co/omGHR285oq

  • Mashup Score: 2

    By MARTIN SAMUELS, MD The History of the Problem  The European University (e.g. Italy, Germany, France, England) descended from the Church. The academic hierarchy, reflected in the regalia, has its roots in organized religion. The American University was a phenocopy of the European University, but the liberal arts college was a unique American contribution, wherein…

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    • This is SO good, and so quotable. Thanks Dr. Samuels, and thanks @RogueRad for tweeting it. Academic Medicine Survival Guide https://t.co/4o47omn0IY

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    In the trenches - 1 year(s) ago

    When I look back at the most influential clinicians who have taught me clinical reasoning and how to interact with patients, they had several traits in common. They often were enormously respected by their peers, emulated by learners, and loved by their patients. But they also seemed to have a very modest bibliography, often avoided administrative roles, and, unless their institution bestowed…

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    • I did not expect this piece to resonate with so many people. This is dedicated to all the clinicians in the trenches. https://t.co/BfDLUH5lmq https://t.co/vKxVAnxvfv

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    I met Clarence and his family at the cancer clinic after he was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma. As I explained the diagnosis, treatment strategy, and prognosis, I found myself presenting Clarence with a couple of options for therapy, detailing the pros and cons, and trying to reach a shared decision. At the end of my mini lecture, I asked Clarence what therapy he was leaning towards. Clarence…

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    • My new essay in @TheLancetHaem on dialogue https://t.co/sNdh1e5ewD https://t.co/reqbB1tMdT