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    In the United States, cholesterol stones account for 70% to 95% of adult gallstones and black pigment stones for most of the remainder. Calcium carbonate stones are exceptionally rare. A previous analysis of a small number of pediatric gallstones from the north of England showed a remarkably high prevalence of calcium carbonate stones. The aims of this study were to analyze a much larger series…

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    • Calcium carbonate gallstones in children Far more common then in adults https://t.co/FjMp1tgIGr

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    This article deals with the pothole deaths in India.

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    • India needs roads but Pothole free roads ! Potholes kill around 3000 Indians every year. Absolutely preventable deaths Please RT #India4PotholeFreeRoads Smooth roads - ⏺ Save lives ⏺ Save time ⏺ Save fuel ⏺ Save environment ⏺ Save money https://t.co/bz6iL56U6Z

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    Hereditary combined vitamin K-dependent clotting factors deficiency (VKCFD) is a rare congenital bleeding disorder resulting from variably decreased levels of coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X as well as natural anticoagulants protein C, protein S and protein Z. The spectrum of bleeding symptoms ranges from mild to severe with onset in the neonatal period in severe cases. The bleeding…

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    • 1/4 Hereditary combined deficiency of the vitamin K-dependent clotting factors VKCFD is a rare congenital bleeding disorder resulting from variably decreased levels of coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X as well as natural anticoagulants protein C/S https://t.co/VrsTSAveuB

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    Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is an important enzyme of the anaerobic metabolic pathway. It belongs to the class of oxidoreductases, with an enzyme commission number EC The function of the enzyme is to catalyze the reversible conversion of lactate to pyruvate with the reduction of NAD+ to NADH and vice versa.[1] The enzyme is present in a variety of organisms, that include plants and…

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    • All about #LDH Liver diseases, kidney diseases, muscle injury, trauma, heart attack, certain infectious diseases, pancreatitis, cancer, and anemia are some of the health conditions that can lead to a rise in serum LDH levels https://t.co/frk7j6U0LB

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    World Sickle Cell Disease Day 2022: Here are the most commonly asked questions and everything you need to know.

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    • #WorldSickleCellDiseaseDay Its quite widespread in many tribal groups in India with the prevalence of heterozygotes varying around 39% (1-40%) India is also amongst 3 countries that carry nearly 90% of the world's SCD population (Nigeria, India & Congo) https://t.co/U9vCgj6BF9