• Mashup Score: 18

    A series of articles look at whether the benefits for the few warrant the harms for the many

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    • Strong collection of articles in @JAMAInternalMed show that despite the popular tag line, most cancer screening does not save lives, including mammography and colonoscopy. Does Cancer Screening Actually Extend Lives? https://t.co/fBnKv5UyrY

  • Mashup Score: 10

    In recent years, blood tests that look for circulating tumor DNA and biomarkers (termed liquid biopsies) have been developed. As Carr and Welch describe in this issue of JAMA Internal Medicine,1 these tests are being explored for diagnosis of suspected cancer, cancer surveillance after treatment,…

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    • Don't repeat the mistake of not getting data of clinical benefit before @FDAcdrhIndustry approval and widespread clinical usage for these new and unproven tests for "multi-cancer early detection"! Need for RCTs for Cancer Screening Blood Tests https://t.co/UPQc9P7V5e