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    Jeremy Howick, University of Leicester   A lack of empathy in healthcare can be disastrous. In the UK, between 2005 and 2009, hundreds of avoidable deaths occ

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    • A lack of empathy in healthcare can be disastrous. In the UK, between 2005 and 2009, hundreds of avoidable deaths occurred at the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust. The Francis report, concluded that a lack of empathy contributed to the catastrophe. https://t.co/Rf7yz4c7iH

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    Palliative care - 2 year(s) ago

    Los cuidados paliativos constituyen un planteamiento que mejora la calidad de vida de los pacientes (adultos y niños) y sus allegados cuando afrontan problemas inherentes a una enfermedad potencialmente mortal.

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    • National Palliative Care Week 2023 - The WHO has identified palliative care as a human right. World Health Organization. Palliative care. https://t.co/H2cBYnbKK1 American Society of Clinical Oncology. Integration of Palliative Care Into Standard Oncol… https://t.co/qmGexHvhBE https://t.co/99ucG1QLjy

    • National Palliative Care Week 2023 - The WHO has identified palliative care as a human right. World Health Organization. Palliative care. https://t.co/H2cBYnbKK1 American Society of Clinical Oncology. Integration of Palliative Care Into Standard Oncol… https://t.co/qmGexHvhBE

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    Palliative care - 2 year(s) ago

    Los cuidados paliativos constituyen un planteamiento que mejora la calidad de vida de los pacientes (adultos y niños) y sus allegados cuando afrontan problemas inherentes a una enfermedad potencialmente mortal.

    Tweet Tweets with this article
    • National Palliative Care Week 2023 - The WHO has identified palliative care as a human right. WHO. Palliative care. https://t.co/qTIaKuWVEQ ASCO. Integration of Palliative Care Into Standard Oncology Care: ASCO Clinical Practice Guideline Update. https://t.co/a2qvKqty9c https://t.co/LA7eS6j5z1