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    SOGUG - 2 year(s) ago

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    • RT @sogug1: 1st SYNERGY, reunión virtual el 22 de noviembre, 16,30 hora española. Inscríbete en https://t.co/J43JDplGu2 https://t.co/Ptjhiz…

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    El cáncer de próstata repercute directamente en la autoestima masculina, ya que los pacientes pueden tener problemas de erección o incontinencia de orina.

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    • Cáncer de próstata, entre la invisibilidad y el rechazo: "Repercute en la autoestima masculina" https://t.co/WbbPwtnypP via @rtve @sapilarm @_SEOM @sogug1 La visibilización social de estos tumores, los de mayor incidencia entre los hombres, puede ayudar a una detección temprana.

  • Mashup Score: 3

    The treatment landscape of advanced urothelial carcinoma (aUC) has changed dramatically over the past decade. Specifically, immunotherapy, by means of immune checkpoint inhibition (CPI), has a better safety profile and more durable responses than platinum-based chemotherapy [1], leading to improved patient management. Despite the ongoing debate over the optimal selection of candidates for…

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    • Meta analysis 1L mUC: No OS benefit for patients treated with first-line immune checkpoint inhibition compared to chemotherapy among the overall population, cisplatin-ineligible patients, and PD-L1-high patients @sogug1 @OncologyAdvance https://t.co/Njc0mE2Opp https://t.co/Co7fvqbIPw