Mashup Score: 9TikTok · Safri Duo - 9 hour(s) ago
23.9K likes, 636 comments. “#SafriDuo #christmas #joytotheworld #nostalgia ”
Source: www.tiktok.comCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 10
This protocol there are detailed study procedures (e.g. recruitment, follow-up, laboratory), other study-specific guidance (e.g. ethical considerations, statistical analysis), and “Implementation tip” boxes which include further helpful details and/or considerations for adaptation of the protocol for the local context.
Source: www.who.intCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 28Marion Koopmans over muggen, virussen en gezondheid op campusOp woensdag 8 januari start de populaire lezingenserie Insecten en.. - 1 day(s) ago
Het zijn de meest gehate insecten: muggen! Hun gezoem houdt je wakker, hun beten bezorgen je jeuk, en in warmere delen van de wereld dragen ze zelfs ernstige ziekten over. Maar hoe zit dat in Nederland? Kunnen muggen hier ook ziekten verspreiden? En welke rol spelen onze waterlandschappen daarbij?
Source: www.stadwageningen.nlCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 46Evaluating metagenomics and targeted approaches for diagnosis and surveillance of viruses - Genome Medicine - 2 day(s) ago
Background Metagenomics is a powerful approach for the detection of unknown and novel pathogens. Workflows based on Illumina short-read sequencing are becoming established in diagnostic laboratories. However, high sequencing depth requirements, long turnaround times, and limited sensitivity hinder broader adoption. We investigated whether we could overcome these limitations using protocols based on untargeted sequencing with Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT), which offers real-time data acquisition and analysis, or a targeted panel approach, which allows the selective sequencing of known pathogens and could improve sensitivity. Methods We evaluated detection of viruses with readily available untargeted metagenomic workflows using Illumina and ONT, and an Illumina-based enrichment approach using the Twist Bioscience Comprehensive Viral Research Panel (CVRP), which targets 3153 viruses. We tested samples consisting of a dilution series of a six-virus mock community in a human DNA/RNA ba
Source: genomemedicine.biomedcentral.comCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 165Politie toont foto van de zon in Opsporing Verzocht - 3 day(s) ago
De politie is op zoek naar mensen die de zon hebben gezien.
Source: speld.nlCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 4Familie in NRW mit neuer Mpox-Variante infiziert - 5 day(s) ago
Eine Familie im Rheinisch-Bergischen Kreis ist an der neuen Mpox-Variante erkrankt und befindet sich in Quarantäne. Die Schule der betroffenen Kinder wurde nun vorsorglich geschlossen.
Source: www.spiegel.deCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 22Inzet van vernieuwde typen griepvaccins in het NPG - 5 day(s) ago
Griep is een veelvoorkomende seizoensgebonden infectieziekte die wordt veroorzaakt door het influenzavirus. Mensen die het risico lopen op ernstige complicaties door griep krijgen ieder jaar vaccinatie tegen griep aangeboden in het kader van het Nationaal Programma Grieppreventie (NPG). Er wordt voortdurend gewerkt aan de ontwikkeling van vernieuwde griepvaccins, waarbij op verschillende manieren wordt geprobeerd om de werkzaamheid te verbeteren. Op verzoek van het ministerie van VWS heeft de Gezondheidsraad beoordeeld of het wenselijk is om een of meer van die vernieuwde griepvaccins in te zetten voor de jaarlijkse griepvaccinatie. De raad heeft de wetenschappelijke gegevens over de werkzaamheid, effectiviteit en veiligheid beoordeeld en concludeert dat 3 vernieuwde vaccins ingezet kunnen worden naast het huidige vaccintype. Bij ouderen kunnen de vernieuwde vaccins meer bescherming bieden. De Gezondheidsraad adviseert om in de uiteindelijke besluitvorming een goede afweging te maken o
Source: www.gezondheidsraad.nlCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 24
Background: Mosquito-borne arboviruses, including Usutu virus (USUV) and West Nile virus (WNV), are emerging threats in Europe, with changes in climate, land use, and increased travel and trade influencing their dynamics. Understanding the emergence and establishment of these viruses in new regions is critical for informing targeted mitigation of drivers of emergence and enhancing public and wildlife health preparedness. Methods: Seven years (2016-2022) of interconnected studies were conducted in the Netherlands. Live birds were sampled by volunteer bird ringers, dead birds were referred for sampling by citizen-scientists and zoological institutions, and mosquitoes were trapped. Samples were tested for USUV and WNV using RT-PCR and screened for Orthoflavivirus antibodies using protein microarray and neutralization assays. Sequencing and phylogenetic analyses were performed. Findings: USUV was first detected in the Netherlands in 2016, caused large outbreaks in birds until 2018, and res
Source: www.biorxiv.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 20Post-doc position on Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) infection and transmission | Research - Institut Pasteur - 6 day(s) ago
Tip 1. Utilisez “” afin de chercher une expression exacte. Exemple : “division cellulaire” Tip 2. Utilisez + afin de rendre obligatoire la présence d’un mot. Exemple : +cellule +stem Tip 3. Utilisez + et – afin de forcer une inclusion ou exclusion d’un mot. Exemple : +cellule -stem e.g. searching for members in projects tagged cancer Appointments Directeur(trice) Adjoint(e) de Centre Directeur(trice) Adjoint(e) de Départment Directeur(trice) Adjoint(e) de Centre National de Référence Directeur(trice)
Source: research.pasteur.frCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 15
21 research consortia have the chance to reach a breakthrough thanks to funding from the ENW-XL Open Competition. From fundamental research on the effects of certain materials on the methane cycle to the study of maize in order to have more food security; a total of 64 million euros has been awarded. One to three million euros will be awarded to each project.
Source: www.nwo.nlCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet