Mashup Score: 10
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is comprised of a seeming multitude of pathophysiologic processes including diastolic dysfunction, impaired ventricular-arterial coupling, atrial pathology, endothelial dysfunction, and myocardial fibrosis. While this apparent dizzying complexity exists, the core pathology, the sine qua non, of HFpEF is left heart congestion leading to elevated pulmonary venous pressures and exercise intolerance. Despite its obligatory presence, defining and employing invasive measurements of left heart congestion in the assessment of HFpEF remains challenging.
Source: onlinejcf.comCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
Mashup Score: 35
Increased total blood volume and excessive redistribution of blood to the central circulation are thought to be major contributors to increased pulmonary and cardiac filling pressures in patients with heart failure, especially during exercise. These factors are considered important determinants to exercise limitations and decompensation events in heart failure.1 While total blood volume can be influenced by diuretic therapy, redistribution of blood between peripheral and central circulations, which is mainly attributed to excessive sympathetic tone leading to constriction of splanchnic veins and reduction of splanchnic capacity, has recently been recognized as a potential target to improve heart failure outcomes.
Source: onlinejcf.comCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
Mashup Score: 37
Historically, patients admitted to the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU) were primarily those recovering from acute myocardial infarction (AMI), traditionally treated with thrombolysis, and subsequently with primary percutaneous interventions. However, advances in AMI management have led to a significant decline in the need for CICU care, which is now reserved for those in cardiogenic shock (CS), typically requiring temporary mechanical circulatory support (MCS).(1) Contemporary CICUs are filled by patients with severe hemodynamic instability or unstable arrhythmias, many of whom have decompensated heart failure (HF) or are in CS.(2) These patients often require invasive hemodynamic monitoring, management with vasoactive medications and an ever-increasing array of MCS therapies, including intra-aortic balloon pumps (IABP), micro-axial flow devices, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).
Source: onlinejcf.comCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
Mashup Score: 35Real-world analysis of healthcare utilization with baroreflex activation therapy for heart failure - 27 day(s) ago
Adverse autonomic nervous system activation, characterized by neural and hormonal sympathetic overactivity and parasympathetic withdrawal, plays an important role in disease progression of heart failure (HF) with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF).1 Carotid baroreflex activation therapy (BAT, Barostimβ’) is an emerging therapy for HFrEF that modulates baroreceptor nerve activity, restoring baroreflex sensitivity and rebalancing systemic autonomic control systems. BAT consists of an implantable pulse generator that delivers continuous electrical stimulation of carotid baroreceptors through a lead sutured on the carotid sinus.
Source: onlinejcf.comCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
Mashup Score: 22
Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) is marked by progressive remodeling of the left ventricle (LV), which begins as a compensatory response to contractile dysfunction and increase in wall stress, and ultimately results in LV dilation and spherical reshaping. Modern therapies, such as neurohormonal treatments, resynchronization, and structural interventions for mitral regurgitation (MR), aim to interrupt this pathological cycle, yet significant residual risk and therapeutic gaps remain [1].
Source: onlinejcf.comCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
Mashup Score: 18
There has been tremendous progress over the last decade in our ability to diagnosis, manage and treat patients with transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis (ATTR-CM). The development of a noninvasive diagnostic approach using nuclear scintigraphy when coupled with the assessment of monoclonal proteins has facilitated widespread identification of affected individuals in multiple sub-specialty domains across cardiovascular medicine at an earlier stage of disease1. This has been critical to optimally leveraging effective disease modifying therapies which, at present, either stabilize the transthyretin tetramer or reduce the hepatic production of transthyretin via gene silencing.
Source: onlinejcf.comCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
Mashup Score: 33
YNR receives research grants from the NHLBI (K23HL164901), Sleep Number, Bayer Accelerated Pulmonary Hypertension Award, United Jenesis Award, Merck, and the Earl Wood Career development award from Mayo Clinic
Source: onlinejcf.comCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
Mashup Score: 27Increasing evidence supports the benefits of rapid uptitration of the neurohormonal blockade in HFmrEF/HFpEF patients with AHF - 28 day(s) ago
Despite evidence that the neurohormonal and adrenergic systems are significantly activated in heart failure (HF) patients with mildly reduced (HFmrEF) or preserved (HFpEF) ejection fraction (EF), many studies examining the use of neurohormonal and adrenergic blockers in these populations failed to show substantial benefits1. This activation is likely to be even higher in acute heart failure (AHF) settings or the peri-discharge phase of the disease than in a stable, chronic HF state. Thus, one may speculate that the potential benefits of the neurohormonal blockade might be higher in the peri-discharge period.
Source: onlinejcf.comCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet-
Acute HF differs from chronic HF, especially in HFmrEF/HFpEF, due to marked neurohormonal activation, serving as a therapeutic target. New π₯ Perspectives piece: authors describe the role of rapid uptitration of neurohormonal blockade in these ptsπ π https://t.co/KAsFsB4hT5 https://t.co/LYdDHzvLee
Mashup Score: 41
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is comprised of a seeming multitude of pathophysiologic processes including diastolic dysfunction, impaired ventricular-arterial coupling, atrial pathology, endothelial dysfunction, and myocardial fibrosis. While this apparent dizzying complexity exists, the core pathology, the sine qua non, of HFpEF is left heart congestion leading to elevated pulmonary venous pressures and exercise intolerance. Despite its obligatory presence, defining and employing invasive measurements of left heart congestion in the assessment of HFpEF remains challenging.
Source: onlinejcf.comCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet
Mashup Score: 55Reprieve System for the Treatment of Patients with Acute Decompensated Heart Failure - 28 day(s) ago
Congestive symptoms are the predominant reason for acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) hospitalization.1,2 Despite the goal of alleviating congestion, approximately 25-30% of patients have residual congestion at ADHF hospital discharge which is associated with a worse prognosis.1,3,4 Diuretic resistance and worsening renal function (WRF) are common barriers limiting decongestion.5,6 Novel devices optimizing existing diuretic therapies could address this unmet need and improve decongestion with minimal risk, resource utilization, or incremental cost.
Source: onlinejcf.comCategories: General Medicine News, Partners & KOLsTweet-
π₯ New brief report describes a first-in-human feasibility study to evaluate the safety/efficacy of the Reprieve System, a bedside fluid mgmnt device that can 1) measure UO 2) semi-auto titrate IV diuretics 3) titrate saline replacement #THT2025 π https://t.co/J4ZDnMZBHd https://t.co/TSAQfa3pBA
Workload-corrected PCWP normalized to body weight (PCWL) is a recently defined hemodynamic metric that may have value in assessment of HFpEF in interatrial shunt device (IASD) studies. Learn more in our latest Perspectives piece. #THT2025 https://t.co/bFvcEn8jSz https://t.co/ccKtvZY5us