Mashup Score: 6
Despite the interest from the scientific community and regulatory agencies, limited data are available on the association between health-related quality-of-life (QoL) results, outcome of efficacy and drug approvals.
Source: www.esmoopen.comCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 0
Economic Freedom of the World
Source: www.fraserinstitute.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 0
If the identified patient subgroups were applied in clinical practice, as many as a third of the current cohort of candidates who do not benefit from adjuvant imatinib would be encouraged to not receive imatinib, subsequently avoiding unnecessary toxicity on patients and financial strain on health-care systems. Our finding that 5 years is the optimal duration of imatinib treatment could be the best source of evidence to inform clinical practice until 2028, when a randomised controlled trial with the same aims is expected to report its findings.
Source: www.thelancet.comCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 1R&D Costs For Pharmaceutical Companies Do Not Explain Elevated US Drug Prices | Health Affairs Forefront - 7 month(s) ago
The pharmaceutical industry often explains that the higher prices they charge in the US provide them with the funds they need to conduct their high-risk research. This claim is empirically testable.
Source: www.healthaffairs.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 0
As compared with a first-line TKI alone, addition of upfront local therapy using RT statistically significantly improved PFS and OS for EGFR-mutated NSCLC.
Source: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.govCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 5
E1193, an intergroup trial led by George Sledge, with survival results driving the main conclusions of the study.
Source: www.drugdevletter.comCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 0Canada’s crisis of primary care access: Is expanding residency training to 3 years a solution? - 8 month(s) ago
KEY POINTS In 2022, The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) published its final report of the Outcomes of Training Project, including the recommendation to extend family medicine residency training from 2 to 3 years.[1][1] Through an expanded training program, the CFPC’s goal is to
Source: www.cmaj.caCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 1
Since late 2020, the Canadian Agency of Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) has been using a threshold of $50,000 (CAD) per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) for both oncology and non-oncology drugs. When used for oncology products, this threshold is hypothesized to have a higher impact on the …
Source: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.govCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 2Validate User - 8 month(s) ago
We are sorry, but we are experiencing unusual traffic at this time. Please help us confirm that you are not a robot and we will take you to your
Source: ashpublications.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Mashup Score: 0Opinion: We should change how we evaluate cancer drugs - 8 month(s) ago
Once cancer drugs are okayed as safe we should allow trials that make use of data accumulated by real patients undergoing treatment. Read on
Source: financialpost.comCategories: General Medicine News, Hem/OncsTweet
Less than 40% of oncology trials leading to regulatory approval have reported an improvement in global QoL. @ESMO_Open https://t.co/9ULn1VO4DN