• Mashup Score: 3

    A physician’s outburst in clinic led to an investigation and administrative leave, but the system failed to understand the root cause of his distress and instead focused on following policies, leaving the physician feeling unsupported and unacknowledged by the institution which saw him as a problem to be fixed.

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    • RT @kevinmd: The tragic case of the anguished physician https://t.co/Wexvno4v6B #Physician #PracticeManagement via @kevinmd

  • Mashup Score: 0

    Self-doubt is a pervasive and often paralyzing concern, and research has repeatedly shown that it impacts women more than men. So what makes high-achieving women power through their self-doubt? According to the author’s research, they focus on building up their courage, not their confidence. She offers three strategies to help women take bold actions in the face of self-doubt and fear: 1) Don’t…

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    • For my #WomenInMedicine colleagues, there is wisdom in this piece. @HemOncWomenDocs "It’s time to refocus your efforts from seeking an elusive feeling of confidence to taking decisive action with courage." https://t.co/7nNA9Kr0Gx