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    the refusal to grasp this is a non-trivial amount of the problem

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    • I have been quiet on Twitter and will probably remain so, but will break my silence to share this piece by @TheRaDR , “All of these things are true.” She has been a Jewish voice for collective liberation. https://t.co/HQpgIJUTT0. Please read. https://t.co/8VYU949XLQ

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    The power imbalance between hospitals and their medical trainees, residents and physicians, has become even more lopsided in the Covid-19 pandemic.

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    • This article does a beautiful job articulating why the #residencymatch is a fundamentally flawed system. https://t.co/JOAL4CG2dZ I remember my dad saying to me, “In almost no other profession do you lack any ability to negotiate the terms of your employment.”

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    What you Need to Know If you are pregnant or planning to start a family, you likely have questions about how pregnancy and maternity leave will impact you as a Canadian medical resident. This resource contains information to help you prepare for maternity leave, scale back your professional duties, obtain financial supports, and re-enter the workforce as a resident. We’ve also provided…

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    • Resident doctor birth parents in Canada receive *1 year* of parental leave. Explain to me again why we get 6 weeks? PDs, do better. Residents - let's demand more. 3 months minimum, more is better. Canada shows this is not a logistical impossibility. https://t.co/RgaHLSnaKr