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    Summary:. In February 2022, President Joseph R. Biden made reducing age-adjusted cancer mortality by at least 50% over the next 25 years a key goal of the Cancer Moonshot. Although recent progress puts this goal within reach, succeeding will require major commitments to progress on all fronts: basic research, clinical and translational research, health care delivery, and public health.

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    • Nice piece by ⁦@NCIDirector⁩ ⁦@D_Carnival⁩ ⁦⁦@DrLizJaffee⁩ on how to achieve the goals of the Cancer Moonshot, including renewed efforts for detecting and tackling cancer early. https://t.co/MAhjRFhcux

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    • Pretty interesting, and an honor #mmsm Who is your Twitter twin? 👯 @AuclairDan = @Mohty_EBMT AuclairDan and Mohty_EBMT are Twitter twins! #twitterTwin #toasteed https://t.co/25yBvvzsVc