Mashup Score: 3Potential interactions between medications for rate control and direct oral anticoagulants: population-based cohort and case-crossover study - 11 day(s) ago
Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) are commonly co-prescribed with amiodarone/diltiazem/verapamil, but whether there is a drug interaction between these drugs is unclear.
Source: www.heartrhythmjournal.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 3
Vaccinations are a “no brainer” according to a cardiologist in the wake of the four viruses spreading like wildfire throughout the country.
Source: www.express.co.ukCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 9
Objectives To investigate healthcare utilisation and cost in individuals with long COVID (LC) at population level. Design Case–control cohort analysis with mult…
Source: journals.sagepub.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 2comment 1 - 29 day(s) ago
RCPLondon. We represent 40,000 doctors worldwide – educating, improving and influencing for better health and care
Source: rcpconferences.co.ukCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 6Lessons from England’s National Health Service | NEJM - 1 month(s) ago
The NHS in England has historically delivered high quality at low cost, but recently, its performance has declined. The challenges facing the NHS hold potential lessons for the United States.
Source: www.nejm.orgCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 12Leadership and Advocacy in Communications programme - 2 month(s) ago
Join the LAC Programme to boost cardiovascular health, gain advocacy skills, experience workshops & network with experts for healthier hearts
Source: world-heart-federation.orgCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet-
Meeting the new cohort of @worldheartfed ELs is an annual highlight. This year, we combine with the Leadership in Advocacy & Communication programme for the first time, in Mombasa: https://t.co/mooOPVioNA. Ten years of #WHFEL. Credits: @LanaRaspail & team. https://t.co/Y3cN4io0TI https://t.co/uYsqVadK2p
Mashup Score: 4Long COVID symptoms and demographic associations: A retrospective case series study using healthcare application data - 2 month(s) ago
To investigate long COVID (LC) symptoms self-reported via a digital application. Explore associations between various demographic factors and intensity of LC symptoms.A retrospective case series study. We analysed self-reported symptoms from 1008 individuals …
Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.govCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 9Research across multiple disciplines to respond to health shocks - 2 month(s) ago
Research that spans clinical specialties and research disciplines beyond health and healthcare is a priority for planning equitable responses to manage future health shocks, argue Amitava Banerjee and colleagues Health shocks are “high consequence events that have a major disruptive effect on society,”1 with health, social, economic, and psychological effects, and are not limited to pandemics. Whether responding to shocks related to antimicrobial resistance, climate change, or conflict, siloed research cannot deliver the science needed quickly enough at the required scale. When science encounters new diseases and challenges, it can cross disciplinary boundaries in three complementary ways, as occurred with vaccines. “Multidisciplinary research” combines knowledge from different disciplines, each within its confines. “Interdisciplinary research” “analyses, synthesises and harmonises links between disciplines into a coordinated and coherent whole.”2 “Transdisciplinary research” “integrat
Source: www.bmj.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 36Non-communicable diseases: research priorities to mitigate impact of health system shocks - 2 month(s) ago
Amitava Banerjee and colleagues argue that the long term impact of non-communicable diseases should be prioritised in planning the response to and management of future health shocks ### Key messages During pandemics and other health system shocks, such as natural disasters, climate change, or humanitarian emergencies, non-communicable diseases have been neglected, despite them causing the highest burden of morbidity and mortality globally.1 Since the early waves of the covid-19 pandemic, for example, policy, public health, and the media globally have focused on admission to critical care, hospital admission, and mortality related to covid-19. However, excess all cause mortality, mostly due to non-communicable diseases, greatly exceeded mortality due to covid-19 in the first two years of the pandemic, with an estimated 18.2 million overall excess deaths worldwide and 5.94 million covid-19 related deaths.2 In England and Wales in the first two months of the pandemic alone, one fifth (994
Source: www.bmj.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 9
Introduction Organised by the ‘Qualitative Long Covid Network’, a workshop for qualitative Long COVID (LC) researchers, LC charity representatives and people with LC took place in June 2023, where r…
Source: onlinelibrary.wiley.comCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Our latest research: Potential interactions between medications for rate control & direct oral anticoagulants: population-based cohort & case-crossover study. Led by Angel Wong, Charlotte Warren-Gash, @krishnan_lshtm, @LeyClem @LiamSmeeth1 &Ian Douglas. https://t.co/pOinEoBGa3