• Mashup Score: 1

    Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs) was first introduced in 2014 by the International Olympic Committee’s expert writing panel, identifying a syndrome of deleterious health and performance outcomes experienced by female and male athletes exposed to low energy availability (LEA; inadequate energy intake in relation to exercise energy expenditure). Since the 2018 REDs consensus, there have been >170 original research publications advancing the field of REDs science, including emerging data demonstrating the growing role of low carbohydrate availability, further evidence of the interplay between mental health and REDs and more data elucidating the impact of LEA in males. Our knowledge of REDs signs and symptoms has resulted in updated Health and Performance Conceptual Models and the development of a novel Physiological Model. This Physiological Model is designed to demonstrate the complexity of either problematic or adaptable LEA exposure, coupled with individual moderating factors

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    • 📣 #BestofBJSM for September 🔥 🥇 #ConsensusStatement - IOC Consensus on REDs ⚡️ https://t.co/w48QZFjq5h 🥇 #PhDAcademyAward - Hip Imaging in Football Players ⚽️ https://t.co/Qkfy750Hsj 🥇 #BJSMBlog - Exercise Training and Blood Pressure 💪 https://t.co/y7UITe1uB5 https://t.co/nhHZP2Tmke

  • Mashup Score: 2

    I evaluated the importance of hip joint imaging findings in young adult football (Australian football and soccer) players with longstanding hip and/or groin pain (HGP). Participation in football is associated with increased odds of developing hip osteoarthritis (OA) in later life.1 The path towards OA may commence early in the lifespan of a football player, but studies of young adult football players are lacking. It is also unclear if the structural joint changes seen on imaging are associated with HGP or if cam morphology plays a role in early hip OA development in young athletes. Gaining a greater understanding of the prevalence of early hip OA features, and their relationship with cam morphology in younger football players may allow for the development of interventions to slow and/or prevent OA disease. First, I conducted two systematic reviews to understand the prevalence of early hip OA features in people (athletic and non-athletic) with and without HGP. My remaining studies were

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    • 🚨Popular #PhDAcademyAward🔥 ⚠️ What do hip joint imaging findings suggest about football players with hip and groin pain (HGP)? ⚽️ Find out more about the complex interactions between cam morphology, pain, labral tears and osteoarthritis 🤔 READ ➡️ https://t.co/Qkfy750Hsj https://t.co/u0Vxhefuiq

  • Mashup Score: 19

    The aim of my PhD research was to better understand injury patterns in youth football (soccer) and athletics (track and field) and explore growth rates and skeletal maturity as injury risk factors. In the studies included, we examined differences between recorders within an injury surveillance programme, described the most common and burdensome injuries in youth athletes participating in football and athletics and explored associations between growth rates, skeletal maturity and injury risk in both sports. Previous studies had shown that injuries are common in youth athletes1 2; however, few had combined injury location and type to identify targets for injury prevention or calculated injury burden as a measure of impact. Although some studies had indicated that athletes’ maturity status or position relative to the adolescent growth spurt may affect the risk of sustaining injuries,3 findings were inconsistent and we aimed to improve our understanding of these relationships. The studies

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    • 🚨 Do you want to learn more about injury patterns in youth football and athletics? 🙋‍♂️ 🙋‍♀️ NEW #PhDAcademyAward explores this topic and growth and maturation as potential risk factors ⚽️ 🏃‍♂️ READ ➡️ https://t.co/SkqXoirZDh https://t.co/GFq2LLl6n4

  • Mashup Score: 9

    The main aims of this thesis were to describe the epidemiology of adolescent footballers, to describe how growth and maturation are associated with injury risk in academy male players and to study the accuracy of methods to estimate somatic maturity status. Injuries occurring during youth can negatively affect academy progression1 and result in long-term health consequences.2 Growth and…

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    • ⚠️ How are growth and maturation associated with injury risk? 📈 NEW #PhDAcademyAward using data from academy football players from the Athletic Club ⚽️ 🇪🇸 ➡️ https://t.co/dN7CXOqLap https://t.co/A7ELoUF4H1