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    The international group behind the new terminology worked for 3 years to build a consensus, but convincing their peers to adopt it will require more effort.

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    • A noteworthy shift recently occurred in the field of hepatology, but it didn't stem from a clinical trial or medical finding. Instead, the change arose from a matter of semantics. #GastroTwitter #MASLD #NAFLD https://t.co/qgoWXM4B19 https://t.co/4XSczL7Sum

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    Earlier age at onset of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease was associated with an increased risk for cancer, mainly digestive and lung cancers, in a large cohort study.

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    • New research shows that adults who develop nonalcoholic fatty liver disease before age 45 are at increased risk of developing #cancer, particularly digestive system and #lungcancer. #GastroTwitter https://t.co/OTf4F9GR3K https://t.co/Jeku6QywfN

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    The artificial intelligence tool has potential as a clinical decision-support tool for assessing these patients and recommending suitable settings for further treatment.

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    • In a small study, ChatGPT version 4 accurately gauged disease severity and made decisions about the need for hospitalization that were largely in line with expert gastroenterologists. #GastroTwitter https://t.co/y9xvNsatcf https://t.co/WHRtjK1nHT