• Mashup Score: 8

    Researchers at the University of Bonn have shed light on the function of the enzyme SLK for the development of nerve cells in the brain. If it is missing, the neurons’ branches are less abundant. In addition, it is then more difficult to inhibit the activity of the cells. This is consistent with the fact that there is less SLK in diseased brain tissue from epilepsy patients. Epileptic seizures…

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    • Pruning the dendritic tree for a better understanding of #epilepticseizures @sfnjournals https://t.co/aWrz07XTPm

  • Mashup Score: 2

    Epileptic activity originating from one or more diseased brain regions in the temporal lobe is difficult to contain. Many patients with so-called temporal lobe epilepsy often do not respond to treatment with anti-epileptic drugs, and the affected brain areas must therefore be surgically removed. Unfortunately, this procedure only gives seizure freedom to about one third of patients, so the…

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    • Deep #brain stimulation prevents #epilepticseizures in mouse model @UniFreiburg @elife https://t.co/CeHBUkoOEW

  • Mashup Score: 2

    Ben-Gurion University of the Negev researchers have developed Epiness, a new, first of its kind device for detecting and predicting epileptic seizures based on proprietary machine-learning algorithms. The wearable device can generate an advanced warning about an upcoming seizure that will be sent to a smartphone up to an hour prior to its onset. The system was out-licensed for further development…

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    • Researchers develop #wearabledevice for predicting #epilepticseizures https://t.co/oshC8FMILK