Mashup Score: 6
Critical care cardiology refers to the practice focus of and subspecialty training for the comprehensive management of life-threatening cardiovascular diseases and comorbid conditions that require advanced critical care in an intensive care unit. The development of coronary care units is often credited for a dramatic decline in mortality rates after acute myocardial infarction throughout the 1960s. As the underlying patient population became progressively sicker, changes in organizational structure, staffing, care delivery, and training paradigms lagged. The coronary care unit gradually evolved from a focus on rapid resuscitation from ventricular arrhythmias in acute myocardial infarction into a comprehensive cardiac intensive care unit designed to care for the sickest patients with cardiovascular disease. Over the past decade, the cardiac intensive care unit has continued to transform with an aging population, increased clinical acuity, burgeoning cardiac and noncardiac comorbidities,
Source: www.ahajournals.orgCategories: General Medicine News, CardiologistsTweet
Mashup Score: 4Journal of Cardiac Failure Call for Papers on the “Nexus of Heart Failure and Critical Care Cardiology” | HFSA - 4 year(s) ago
The Journal of Cardiac Failure is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for a Focus Issue on the Nexus of Heart Failure and Critical Care Cardiology for publication in an issue during the autumn of 2021. This issue will be guest edited by Drs. Erin Bohula, Jason Katz, and Shashank Sinha. Submissions are due via the JCF portal on or before June 1, 2021 at 11:59…
Source: hfsa.orgCategories: Cardiologists, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 1Journal of Cardiac Failure Call for Papers on the “Nexus of Heart Failure and Critical Care Cardiology” | HFSA - 4 year(s) ago
The Journal of Cardiac Failure is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for a Focus Issue on the Nexus of Heart Failure and Critical Care Cardiology for publication in an issue during the autumn of 2021. This issue will be guest edited by Drs. Erin Bohula, Jason Katz, and Shashank Sinha. Submissions are due via the JCF portal on or before June 1, 2021 at 11:59…
Source: hfsa.orgCategories: Cardiologists, Latest HeadlinesTweet
Mashup Score: 26Disruptive Modifications to Cardiac Critical Care Delivery During the Covid-19 Pandemic: An International Perspective - 5 year(s) ago
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a major unanticipated stress on our workforce, organizational structure, systems of care, and critical resource supply. In order to ensure provider safety, maximize efficiency, and optimize patient outcomes, health systems need to be agile. Critical care cardiologists may be uniquely positioned to treat the numerous respiratory and cardiovascular complications…
Categories: Cardiology News and Journals, Latest HeadlinesTweet-
#JACC Tweetorial (8/8): Paulo Coelho once wrote, “Life waits for some crisis to occur before revealing itself at its most brilliant.” We thank all co-authors and collaborators, for their #CICU expertise in light of #COVID19. Read the full paper here: https://t.co/xJmBFacboI https://t.co/egvWBmrEGz
#JACC #Tweetorial (7/8): Many opportunities exist to develop scalable models of #CardiacCriticalCare & effective research collaboration. #COVID19 should serve as clarion call for systems to develop a nimble workforce that can adapt quickly during a crisis. https://t.co/xJmBFacboI
#JACC #Tweetorial (6/8): We also find mass casualty principles from #MilitaryMedicine to be useful in preparing #CICU's for #COVID19. https://t.co/xJmBFacboI https://t.co/BsUENtTPrz
#JACC #Tweetorial (5/8): We are truly grateful for the shared themes and key lessons learned during #COVID19 treatment in the #CICU, from our co-authors in #Italy 🇮🇹 #Spain 🇪🇸 #UnitedKingdom 🇬🇧 #NYC 🗽 amongst others. https://t.co/xJmBFacboI https://t.co/rWPaGuSZWk
#JACC #Tweetorial (4/8): Critical care cardiologists (CCC) have a unique skill set and may be well positioned to meet patient and workforce demands. Specifically, CCC may be able and willing to staff non-cardiac #ICU and/or #COVID19 specific ICUs. https://t.co/xJmBFacboI https://t.co/hRCcmZbZok
#JACC #Tweetorial (3/8): We should leverage regional #carepathways and partnerships by utilizing resources and bed availability across hospitals within a health system. Specifically, we should focus on optimal provision and allocation of key services. https://t.co/xJmBFacboI https://t.co/7TYvK2h1V0
#JACC #Tweetorial (2/8): Disruptive changes to cardiac critical care delivery in response to #COVID19 should be determined by #pandemic surge level and capacity impact. https://t.co/xJmBFacboI https://t.co/WmBt31KCsm
#JACC #Tweetorial (1/8): #COVID19 has caused significant disruption worldwide. What if #CICU's could make disruptive modifications in response to the #pandemic? Below are take-home messages from a recent paper published in JACC. https://t.co/xJmBFacboI #CriticalCareCardiology https://t.co/5Q1GMQn5Os
RT @SarasVallabhMD: Read our @AHAScience Statement on #CriticalCareCardiology in @CircAHA - https://t.co/WL9hTXSlb4. This builds on the fou…