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    A common medical term is sequela. You pronounce it like this: seh-QWEL-uh. And it means the after-effects of a disease. In other words, a medical condition that is the consequence of a previous disease or injury. In the 1950s when polio was ravaging our communities, many individuals who survived had permanent musculoskeletal issues requiring canes, crutches, and other devices. However, long-term…

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    • Lifestyle modifications have a proven track record of modifying brain fog in most individuals. Read more 👉 https://t.co/RyyxS3VAvP #CommonMedicalTerm #MedicalCondition #BrainFog #WorldHealthOrganization https://t.co/xqw61r36mP

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    Brain fog is tied to the severity of certain menopause symptoms, especially depression and sexual problems. Estrogen loss may be a factor, but cognitive issues typically don’t linger. Coping strate…

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    • With midlife comes menopause, and new research suggests cognitive blips may be linked to how severely women experience menopause symptoms. Discover the connection between menopause and brain fog now. #HarvardHealth #BrainFog #Menopause https://t.co/i4phznXWoE

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    A common medical term is sequela. You pronounce it like this: seh-QWEL-uh. And it means the after-effects of a disease. In other words, a medical condition that is the consequence of a previous disease or injury. In the 1950s when polio was ravaging our communities, many individuals who survived had permanent musculoskeletal issues requiring canes, crutches, and other devices. However, long-term…

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    • Be engaged, be proactive and know what you can do if you become concerned about losing your cognitive bandwidth. Read more 👉 https://t.co/YZ11xiLIr9 #CommonMedicalTerm #MedicalCondition #BrainFog #WorldHealthOrganization https://t.co/QiZ2QZcxLh

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    Wolters Kluwer Health - 1 year(s) ago

    JavaScript Error JavaScript has been disabled on your browser. You must enable it to continue. Here’s how to enable JavaScript in the following browsers: Internet Explorer From the Tools menu, select Options Click the Content tab Select Enable JavaScript Firefox From the Tools…

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    • COVID-19 #brainfog causes symptoms similar to those seen in patients with an auditory processing disorder. Auditory training could be the solution to many brain fog complaints. https://t.co/NrXnRRbaYo https://t.co/IwOQEhKBxY

  • Mashup Score: 0

    A common medical term is sequela. And it means the after-effects of a disease. In other words, a medical condition that is the consequence of a previous disease or injury. Today, our friends and neighbors are experiencing an unwanted sequela from COVID: brain fog.

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    • Without doubt, stress can worsen brain fog. Read more 👉 https://t.co/FhQBP4YzJq #CommonMedicalTerm #MedicalCondition #BrainFog #WorldHealthOrganization https://t.co/GlvxbpOHgZ

  • Mashup Score: 0

    A common medical term is sequela. And it means the after-effects of a disease. In other words, a medical condition that is the consequence of a previous disease or injury. Today, our friends and neighbors are experiencing an unwanted sequela from COVID: brain fog.

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    • Now let us turn back the clock to reflect on one of the disabling sequela of a COVID infection: brain fog. Read the full article: Now, where did I put my glasses? â–¸ https://t.co/cUz92ATX7k #CommonMedicalTerm #MedicalCondition #BrainFog #WorldHealthOrganization https://t.co/7Oa9yrhMlW