• Mashup Score: 5

    On May 19, 2021, the Delta Variant of Concern (VOC), formerly known as the Indian VOC or B 1.617.2, became the dominant strain of SARS-CoV-2 in Scotland. The Alpha VOC (formerly known as the Kent VOC, B.1.1.7, or S gene negative) had been the dominant strain previously, but it has rapidly been replaced (appendix p 1).

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    • EAVE II, a #COVID19 surveillance platform w/ data on 99% of the Scottish pop, finds #DeltaVariant is impacting younger, wealthier patients. Hospitalizations twice as high w/ Delta #COVIDvariant compared to #AlphaVariant #B117, but #COVID19 #VaccinesWork. https://t.co/mGGXPSyaHJ

  • Mashup Score: 5

    Even as vaccines roll out, more younger people in Michigan are being hospitalized than at any other point in the pandemic. And they’re coming in sicker.

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    • “A 37 yr old woman on a vent after giving birth. A 41 yr old father. ‘Every time we hear that there’s another 40 yr old...it’s just like, you know, we can’t save them all.’” This is Michigan RIGHT NOW. This is #B117 #CovidVariant. #VaccinesWork. Get one! https://t.co/GawD83QOhQ

  • Mashup Score: 59

    The variant has been reported in Bengal from where some of the highest numbers of sequencing have been carried out.

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    • 📍Rise of another variant—Data submitted from India to the global repository GISAID shows the #B1618, at 12%, is the 3rd most common variant sequenced in the last 60 days. The #B1617, at 28%, is the most common sequenced, followed by #B117. #COVID19 https://t.co/DQXCOCIb6D

  • Mashup Score: 18
    outbreak.info - 3 year(s) ago

    outbreak.info is a standardized, searchable platform to discover and explore COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 data from the Center for Viral Systems Biology (cvisb.org) at Scripps Research. It contains three parts: a standardized searchable database of COVID-19 research; customizable real-time surveillance reports on SARS-CoV-2 variants and mutations; and an explorable interface to examine changes in…

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    • 8) is #B117 truly being outcompeted and declining in India? Unclear due to limited sequencing. But it’s definitely not surging like #b1617 is in India. That is worrisome. https://t.co/MQGf8AIPql https://t.co/9BavSBCRl3

  • Mashup Score: 84

    Als een virus zich vermenigvuldigt, kan het steeds een heel klein beetje veranderen. Meestal is die verandering (of mutatie) zo klein dat het bijna geen invloed heeft op hoe ziek je wordt en hoe het virus zich verspreidt. Soms zorgt een verandering er wel voor dat een virus zich anders gedraagt en bijvoorbeeld makkelijker verspreidt.

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    • OUTCOMPETING the faster #B117—despite the contagious 🇬🇧 #B117 variant being >90% of all #COVID19 cases, #P1 🇧🇷 is still surging in underbelly—increasing faster than #B117 in 🇳🇱, displacing wildtype quickly. Same bad signal in BC🇨🇦 too. Need fast action! 🧵 https://t.co/EK1RKDAS1A https://t.co/GoH7uwjjI3

  • Mashup Score: 10

    As COVID-19 continues to spread, CTVNews.ca is tracking new variants of the novel coronavirus in Canada.

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    • VERY WORRIED—Runaway train #P1 variant still uncontrolled in British Columbia 🇨🇦—surging 57% in just 4 days! In contrast, other contagious 🇬🇧variant #B117 only up 17%. #P1 from🇧🇷 is outcompeting #B117 by absolute increase too! BC must act! #bcpoli #COVID19 https://t.co/Uk0pE0TtHs https://t.co/5JxAyQmOgG