• Mashup Score: 7

    The Multilingual ASCVD Risk Estimator is a simplified web-based version of the ASCVD Risk Estimator Plus app that provides clinicians with an efficient way to calculate a patient’s estimated 10-year ASCVD risk, optimal risk and lifetime risk.

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    • DYK the Multilingual ASCVD Risk Estimator is available in 6 languages❓ Download it now and use it to efficiently calculate a patient’s estimated 10-year #ASCVD risk, optimal risk & lifetime risk. Visit the ACC Booth to learn more! https://t.co/WJK4hZnEFm #ESCCongress https://t.co/YuInvpV254

  • Mashup Score: 1

    Some studies of fish oil supplements have shown a higher risk for atrial fibrillation with marine omega-3 fatty acids. Is it real? What are the implications for patients taking these capsules?

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    • Are #FishOils on the Hook for AF Risk? https://t.co/jRUgn48SL7 via @medscape #AtrialFibrillation #CVD #ASCVD Interesting, insightful, and important assessment, but @drjohnm has avoided possible benefits of #fishoil on other aspects of human health, e.g. #NervousSystem. #Brain… https://t.co/h8WriCh8jF