• Mashup Score: 2

    New data show TDP-43 levels in the brain start to decline almost 20 years before death in Alzheimer’s disease and are linked to the rate of hippocampal atrophy, independently of other biomarkers.

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    • Brain levels of TDP-43, a key factor in neurodegeneration that occurs with #Alzheimers disease, declines nearly 2 decades prior to the end of life. https://t.co/AKvAKasShM #ANA2020 https://t.co/sZ3RDKsfvC

  • Mashup Score: 7

    Despite failed primary cognitive outcomes, secondary measures from the DIAN-TU trial show significant effects on amyloid, other biomarkers; dose escalation may be key.

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    • New data from the phase 2/3 DIAN-TU trial shows notable improvements in key Alzheimer's biomarkers with gantenerumab, despite trial failure to meet its primary endpoint of slowing cognitive decline. https://t.co/Ce0X1BHvh9 #ANA2020

  • Mashup Score: 1

    Despite failed primary cognitive outcomes, secondary measures from the DIAN-TU trial show significant effects on amyloid, other biomarkers; dose escalation may be key.

    Tweet Tweets with this article
    • New data from the phase 2/3 DIAN-TU trial shows notable improvements in key #Alzheimers biomarkers with gantenerumab, despite trial failure to meet its primary endpoint of slowing cognitive decline. https://t.co/sJ5k6GxDCy #ANA2020

  • Mashup Score: 1

    Despite failed primary cognitive outcomes, secondary measures from the DIAN-TU trial show significant effects on amyloid, other biomarkers; dose escalation may be key.

    Tweet Tweets with this article
    • New data from phase 2/3 DIAN-TU trial shows notable improvements in key Alzheimer's biomarkers with gantenerumab, despite trial failure to meet its primary endpoint of slowing cognitive decline. https://t.co/Ya5xXBnTEb #ANA2020